Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Post Christmas Mortem

Christmas this year was.......B.O.R.I.N.G!!! We went out - hubby arranged a lot and put in a lot of effort so THANK YOU! On the eve, we went to Bar Banyan to meet his friends but apart from 3 whom we know, the rest are KIDS (aged below 25 but definitely above 20). The topics were boring.

Christmas day was ok - better. Hubby arranged a surprise movie then we had simple dinner before proceeding to his childhood friend's place with 2 bottles of wine. We (2 couple) drank till 4am! It was a simple affair no doubt but it's quality time spent. Shit I'm getting old.....darn!

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary. No expectations because of our financial situation, we agreed to keep it simple. As simple as wishing each other Happy Anniversary only. To my surprise, when I got in the car in the morning, I found a card sitting on my dashboard! I was like damn I really took him literally and have not prepared anything! Not even a card. Had to make do with whatever card I found in Singapore which was like a set of 5 Disney postcards which had stuff like I love you, I can't take my eyes off you, etc on it. Did my best and waaa laaa! A very different and unusual card for my hubby. Hahahahaha.....

Got him a message cookie also. I think it's oatmeal cookie with I Luv You on it. Then I bought him a book - I would have got him that book anyway coz he told me to. Can only find it in Singapore. But anyways, I passed that off as a prezzie. Then then the best part - I arranged dinner at TGIF for us. Lied to him - told him it's actually a dinner and drink session with Shankz and Lee. Of course, they didn't turn up. He only found out at the restaurant when the waiter asked how many pax. Should have seen his expression when I said 2! HAHAHAHAHHA.....good dinner all in all. Quality time spent again and c'mon lah you can never go wrong with TGIF! Only I found out in the process that not many people agrees with me - they think TGIF's food so-so and totally overpriced. I might agree to overprice part but heck cares!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Waiting waiting...

Very kan cheong now coz it's Christmas eve and I must leave on the dot if I wanna avoid chances of being stuck in possible massive jam from Singapore into Malaysia but I'm still waiting to be called into the room for my meeting with my boss! It's almost 11.30am already! Urgh....

And this wait doesn't feel good at all coz what we're discussing is my objectives and KPIs for 2011. He didn't sound very happy about it at all when I jokingly said we'll be able to wrap it up within 10 minutes. He said it's quite impossible - oh oh.....

On a happier note, there's a gift exchange tradition in the office within the department which luckily I found out yesterday. Managed to prepare gifts for my team members - for the ladies, easy peasy coz I just took Nica bags from my stock and wrapped them up in the office this morning. For the gents, I popped by NTUC to get them Christmas cakes.

I'm surprised actually that they have this tradition. It didn't even happen in Europe!

Continue my wait......kan cheongz!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Huh?? 2 weeks silence? Really? Wow....

Sorry lah been busy and been not feeling under the weather. Sien at work - everybody is feeling demotivated, sien sien sien is the only work. But anyway let's leave that for another day shall we? It's the festive season man! BE HAPPY!!

Here's wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! (I'll keep New Year for another day)

Buon Natale
S Rozhdestvom (С Рождеством)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I brought more clothes into the office yesterday and the sale continued this morning. I sold a total of 13 items in just 2 days and it's like no more than 2 hours was put into it! Man, sometimes I don't feel like leaving my job because of this!

I mixed pieces from my latest collection with 1/3 of my old stocks but sad to say out of the 13, 4 items are actually from the new collection. Hai.....means I'm still stuck with a substantial amount of old stocks. Damn!

Another lot next week. That one has more new stuff so hopefully I have better sales then.

Job change soon? Will I or will I not?

Got a call from my recruitment agency yesterday to offer me the job from that company I went for interview at. It was not for the job I applied to but it was something the interviewer already told me about and one which I was interested in.

I am supposed to make yet another trip down to the office to meet up with the most senior member of that team to just get a feel of what they do on a regular day. It's scheduled for next week but I have no idea when yet - my calendar (office calendar) is super pack for whole of next week! Not to mention I have to to see what City Plaza have in-store for me. I wanna catch the last minute Christmas shoppers.

Anyways, have sent my calendar for next week over to my agent and I'm just waiting for her to come back with a fixed appointment. Can't believe I got the offer so soon - I was told by the GM to give her till mid-Dec!

This position reports directly to the GM so there isn't any leader there. Everybody's the same only some are more senior than the rest. All carries the same job title as well. I actually got a little concerned after going through the job description coz it sounded almost, if not totally, like an entry level position! But they managed to assure me and calm me down lah to trust that it is not. Then next came the question about renumeration - unfortunately, the HR only mentioned that it will not be lower than what I am currently getting. That doesn't sound very exciting since what I'm getting now isn't exciting either. Sienz.....

I think I like the job although I don't exactly like the location nor the salary (yes, I don't know yet but CONFIRM less than what I have now). Let's just hope the people around will make up for it and this position is really, like what they say, a stepping stone to prepare me for bigger roles within the company (yeah yeah yeah - why does it feel like I have heard this before? hmmmm)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Riverdance and Sands Theatre

Verdict: Superb performance in a not so superb theatre.

We actually missed the first half of the performance. So disappointed man. Sands it not an easy place to maneuver - it doesnt have proper signage and there are only 3 parking entrances! I was like what?! Only 3? We got there in time like with 15-20mins to spare after going through the jam and all BUT the entrance to the parking which I was advised to take was close! We had to drive a little farther to do a u-turn. By this time we're already late.

We then had to go through another round of traffic jam to get to the hotel's parking and then surprise - no way we could get it coz of traffic. Continued driving and then another U-turn to return to where we started and then jam all the way in. By the time we got to the theatre, it was 9pm and doors are closing. Thank goodness we made it for 2nd half.

The crew of Riverdance really knew how to involve the audience. The whole atmosphere was really light and cheery. You get very affected by how people in your surroundings react to it. But I was pretty letdown by the theatre itself - didn't think acoustic was fantastic and it was a pretty small hall. Seats were so so......but I'm glad the temperature was just right. Not too cold or warm. 

Went to the casino after - no free food! Aiyoyo....hehehe yeah that was what we were looking for the whole time - hungry!

riverdance indeed has lived up to its name although I thought if the performance was held in a bigger theatre, the whole effect will be different. I will need to watch some of their other performances to be able to comment more coz it looked like a pretty small crew to me last night. If any of you have the opportunity to watch them Live, please do not hesitate. GO! 

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The boss is gone the boss is gone! *jumping with joy*

THE boss is on vacation - he's gone from today onwards till 15 Dec 2010, which leaves me all of next week to have fun. BUT hubby's starting work next week as well and MUST be in Singapore for training *sigh* ANYWAY, better than nothing! Woo hoo!

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

No no, not mine. My mum and dad's 31st wedding anniversary. A long winding road. Not easy with lots and lots of hurdles but they have come through it spotless - being married myself, I honestly salute them for being able to stay through all those times. I witnessed a good part of their marriage so I do know now that I'm married, it's really not easy that they managed to pull it through so fine.

A toast to mum and dad! Nastarovia! Prost! Salute!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I need to get my hands on these products - for sale of course. Any ideas anybody? I have checked and they don't ship internationally for now. There are other websites which offer but I have my doubts if they are genuine stuff. 

I can also ship to my vPost address in USA but if I can, somebody to send them to me would be the best coz then I'll save the first leg's shipping - instead of paying twice I'll just need to pay once.

MM USA soon???? hehehehe

Monday, November 29, 2010


Congrats hubby!!!

Hubby has finally concluded his job offer! He's starting work next week! 

Flea's over!

3 days of tough job - special thanks to my hubby - at the Mega Flea @ Singapore Expo, it's finally back to my normal routine. Flea's really not easy so my respect to those flea kings and queens! Kudos!

Results -'s ok not very good really. And this is also when I realised I'm really a newbie in this scene. Every single vendor and I literally mean every single one of them are professionals! They are not just any normal vendor like me - joining a flea just because I own an online biz and trying to create awareness. These people are actually running the flea market scene. Most of them have a push-cart somewhere, some have their own stall in some mall and there are even those who goes around putting stalls in markets! They come equipped with their own racks, mannequins, showcases, wagons etc! Gosh - I felt so small there. They are so quick and nimble when they put up their display. Hubby said mine looked like pasar malam! I might have the least number of products there and I took, likely, the longest time to set up because I just couldn't figure how to display my items. 

And being a vendor is no easy task. There are a lot of unspoken rule to adhere to. It is also a very taxing and labourous job - 12 hours a day, standing most of the time, and then packing up at the end of it just to unpack and put them on display again the next day. You are only given 30min to do all that. 

Whatever it is, instead of feeling beaten, I'm feeling all the more that this is what I wanna do - running the flea market scene in Singapore. I'm glad that I did not have to fork out rental for my stall since my revenue surpassed my rental but there definitely wasn't any profit in it for me this time. It's an experience which I'll never get just being a shopper and watch how people do it. Certain experiences come only if you do it yourself - just get down and get dirty. And I'm lucky that hubby is damn supportive about it - he actually is encouraging me to keep attending these fleas, not to give up. He's also agreeable that we should start investing in racks etc. He's given me really good ideas to take home - ie for me to really think about. 

It's a long way for me and lots of work needs to be done before I really can join the ranks of the other vendors I met during this flea. There are a lot to consider and think about as well. Can foresee that the coming weeks will be very busy with my business - strategizing etc but at the same time, I cannot stop my daily routine and updating Can see some really tough times ahead which will require a lot of discipline and sacrifices but come, throw it at me, I'm damn fucking ready for it!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nervous....Excited.....Bla Bla

My flea's tomorrow! Not sure what to expect and not sure how kelam kabut it's gonna be. I have no idea how big my booth is (yes they gave measurements and so?). I have no idea how big each table is gonna be (I have 2) and how much space I have left. I have no idea how I'm gonna display my clothes. I have no idea if I have enough hangers, and I have totally no idea if 1 T-rack is enough! Gosh....I so totally have no idea if I have enough small notes!

Most of all, I have no idea how the sales will be - hoping that it will be good for sure. And dang, I forgot to bring back my Nica bags from BP - the products which I wanted to rid off the most!

Oh and damn sian thing happened to me yesterday - I'm supposed to be on leave tomorrow for flea and Monday for recovery but SDV insisted on meeting me on Monday, 4pm! WTF?!? Not to mention I'm on leave but even if I'm working, 4pm!?! Hai...2nd link here I come.....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tired tired!!!

My body has gone cuckoo!

We stayed up till 6am this morning (I went without sleep for more than 24 hours!) playing texas hold'em. And guess what? I woke up like at 9am and was unable to get back to sleep. Siao! Hubby's worst - he hasn't slept for like 27 hours? His friend's the bunch just stayed up playing poker and then hubby sent me home and went straight to the wedding.

Urghh....there's a wedding dinner tonight! I wanna look my best so I hope I can at least fall asleep like right now now.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quick quick quick

Today is just a day away from mid-week public holiday....
Today is the day I'm going for an interview....
Today is going to be a long long day coz some stupid fella arranged 2011 budget meeting at 3.30pm and expect it to last till 5.00pm (yeah right if we're lucky lah)....

In a nutshell, I can't wait for today to pass and get it over with...
I can't wait for 5pm to arrive (or whatever time the meeting ends)..
I can't hope enough that tomorrow will last longer...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My new love

Heart heart!

I found a new love - Smashbox!'s a cosmetic brand. Love love love them! I love the eyeshadows, the primer, the lipgloss, the blush, the mascara.....etc etc etc. What is not to love about them? But I will still stick to Shu Uemura for their make up remover, eyeliner, mascara and eyelash curler.

I happened to stumble upon Smashbox on one of my flights on Emirates. I got a whole mini range of lip gloss - those really tiny travel ones. Then I stumbled upon them in Changi Terminal 1 on Thursday! Man -the whole range of them! I ended up buying the primer (really work wonders!), lip gloss and a lipstick. I had to stop myself from buying more!

Honestly, check it out! Gosh - I feel like I need to change my whole make up kit right now but since I am not a heavy user, all that I have now still can last me for the next 10 years. How how??
Aung San Suu Kyi released - FINALLY!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Malaysia Boleh - as always

Has anyone heard about the KTM derailment in Singapore? Train's northbound from Singapore to Penang and derailed in Bukit Timah. No, that is not the main reason for this post. Thing slike that happens right? But nobody can handle such situation better than Malaysia, or KTM rather.

Derailment happened 2 days ago before noon. Until today, train schedule is still not back to normal and not a single train into/out of Singapore is on time. The best part is none of the personnel can for a matter of fact confirm if a train is arriving/departing from the station or not!

Their reply when asked if the train will be here, what time, will it be late etc etc is "Not sure. If it comes it comes." Er yeah duh! I think I know that too. I mean there must be some kind of system tracking each train or a system to communicate between stations right? I'm sure it is mandatory to communicate between stations right??

Monday, November 8, 2010

1st Interview

Went for my first interview today - it's actually with the recruitment agency, with the consultant who will be representing me. Good start - she's already scheduled me for an interview with one of the global freight forwarders whom I know pretty well next Tuesday! Fingers crossed!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Long weekend - almost over

Oh why oh why... it was Deepavali on Friday so a long weekend and short working week but time seems to fly. It's past mid-night - Sunday right now. My weekend's over!!!! Waaaaaaaaa!!!!! BUT it's ok - I have a short and busy week next (or rather this) week at work.

Monday - 11am gonna meet someone from the recruitment agency to kickstart my job hunting process. Tuesday morning I have a vessel tour which will take up 1/2 day. Wednesday - erm.....oh right, gonna go get my X-ray done. Thursday gonna leave work early coz catching my flight to KL, Friday full day KL then flight back to JB. Then my weekend starts. Heh. Before I know it, the weekend's over AGAIN!

Then the week after, another short week. We have a day off in the middle of the week - Haj. Saturday's Low Bear's wedding whereby I'm gonna be meeting hubby's ex for the very first time. Weekend after next is flea weekend! Another short week - taken Friday and following Monday off. Then then then boss's gonna be away for 8 days! Hahahaha......taa daaaaaaa......

Busy busy year end.

Monday, November 1, 2010


No I mean I am literally ill - not well. I got the cold which seems more like a cough. Now I've totally lost my voice (this morning only although got the cough like on Friday already) - how cool is that? Then I also got the UTI - taa daa......AGAIN.

I actually went to office this morning despite the fact that I croak like a toad during those times I can even manage a noise from my throat and despite the fact that I need to pee every other minute just to show my boss that I am sick. He hasn't been a nice boy lately suspecting my medical leaves and checking on me. Granted have been taking off sick much lately but hey, I am really sick ok? How the hell would I know which part of my body is gonna give in again? I can't help it OK.

Anyway, after our weekly Monday morning meeting, I went to the doctor and without even me asking, he gave me days off for today and tomorrow. THERE YOU GO! SEE THAT? So what if I'm getting weaker? I can't help it k? Do you think I like it? Please be more humane. But you can do whatever you like coz I have decided to leave SUCKER!

Doctor tested my urine for UTI and my severity is at its max - the max of the chart. Hmmm I wonder how the test will show up during those times I have super high fever due to UTI but then again, that's already the max of the chart so forget it. OK back to the doctor, instead, he did not say anything about my throat apart from "wow so red. must drink more water" I know lah need you to tell me leh......

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sports Car Day

On my way back from BP to JB, I was overtook by 1 Lamborghini and 2 Ferraris. I am pretty damn sure they know each other coz:

1) They were spaced like 10 minutes from each other
2) All of them have J plates
3) All of them have single digit plates
4) 2 of them Jxx 6 and one Jxx 7

Lamborghini was orange and ferraris of course, red. What's up man!?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Incredible India

Back from an Incredible trip but have no time yet to sit down and write a proper post. I promise to that soon - hopefully by this weekend although doesn't look achievable coz am gonna be back in BP with no internet access. Sienz....

India is very different and the wedding was such an eye-opener. Taj Mahal lives up to its name and maybe more. It's magnificent. Will include pics too.

Just letting everyone know that we're well and back home safely.

Oh yah and work SUCKS TO THE MAX! It sucks even more now! God please help me get out!!!! URGH!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

India tomorrow!

Leaving for Delhi in the morning - gonna be MIA for 8 days before I will get to post anything again. Finally.....a long awaited holiday!!! =p

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thank God it is the end of the day already. It has not been exactly a very good day for me - whatever way something could go wrong, it did. There is still some time left before I go to bed and call it a day so let this last few hours of the day be good.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Surprising email

I came in the office to this email in my inbox from my boss:

"During my coaching call with Mr Boss (his boss), he has noticed your performance - IMAN & XMAN (import and export performance), on top of the recent wins you have secured for XXX and XXX. Keep it up and now I want you to think about how to package yourself in one wholesome manner. Think about it along these few pointers:

1) What are your recent 5 achievements since you have joined us some 3 months ago?
2) What are your challenges and how you overcome/mitigate them?
3) What will be your next few milestones that you are expected to achieve?

Take this opportunity to showcase yourself before 31st Dec (performance end year appraisal) and it will make it easy for me to upsell you!"


I still don't enjoy my job =p

The new beginning - Nelanz Store

Nelanz Store will finally go on the racks today @ theblogshop, 35 Haji Lane. So thank you to those who have supported us so far and please continue to render your support at Haji Lane.

We will be stocking Nelanz and Lil' Pixies at the store. So go there for latest ladies' and kid's fashion!

Leave me a comment/message me if you need more details.

Baby update

Remember I mentioned about MIL's goddaughter delivering a baby girl yesterday? Seems like baby is not well after all. 2 hours after delivery, baby went into the ICU and is still there. Unfortunately, only parents of the baby are allowed into the ICU - strictly parents only so we did not get to see the baby nor find out what is happening. Mummy cannot speak Malay or English so I suppose even if the doc did tell her what is wrong, she can understand anything. Very sad and worried - mummy is in her 40's and this is her first (most likely only) child.

Get well soon baby....

Note: I just can't stop myself from adding this into this post. Malaysian hospitals, actually anything to do with the government S.U.C.K.S!!!! Did you know that they have only 1 counter for payment for the whole hospital. And payment counter is super far from the main building, located in A&E. For a mere RM10, we had to wait for more than 1.5 hours to make payment. Please - BUCK UP!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Freaky - Creepy!

I am feeling so much uneasiness today!! Everybody, please be careful in whatever you do ok? Woke up feeling really uneasy and just can't pinpoint what might happen, to who or where. I just know that it's the bad kind of uneasiness. I couldn't focus while driving to work this morning (thank God nothing happened and I arrived as safe as any other day) because this uneasiness just wouldn't leave me alone.

Me feeling tired isn't helping either because that just means I lagi cannot concentrate. Instead of waking up at 4.45am, I got woken up at 4am instead coz MIL's god-daughter called. She's pregnant and supposed to be due only on 17th of Nov but she was already spotting this morning. Being in the highly dangerous zone (she's 40+, pregnant with her first child) and almost totally alone in Johor (relatives in Perak), she only has my MIL to turn to. When I left home, that was all I got to know from my MIL but later on, got to know she was admitted already. Latest is mother and child are both healthy. =)

The irony is that we have just met her for dinner at ours last night. It was a farewell dinner for her cum birthday dinner for my SIL. She was actually planning to go back to her hubby (oh yeah did I mention her hubby is in Perak?) on Sunday but I guess the baby really doesn't want to be born there? Gonna go see baby tonight! Hahahaha.....wonder how now? I doubt the baby can travel the distance and she has to do her confinement in JB instead? I know MIL has her hands full with her now, maybe until her relatives/hubby arrive. Eat out tonight! YES!

Totally unrelated - tomorrow's the day! Nelanz Store @ 35 Haji Lane! So excited and soooo kan cheong. Hope it will go well. sigh.....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Still bored

Why am I always bored at work? Got things to do but lazy to do jialat. How lah? I was telling myself not to leave early - must sit till the end but I doubt I can achieve that today. Again gonna "run" off. It's only 12 noon - another 3 hours to go! Time ah pass faster can or not? It's only Wednesday leh....

I paid up the remaining rental yesterday to The Blogshop. This is it. No turning back. I am also starting to bring my clothes into Singapore bit by bit, getting ready for Tuesday (the launch). No lah, no launch lah. I need to bring in some 150 pieces but can't do that one time coz of customs so am bringing in 30 each time. Hehehe....And I found a damn good "hiding" place in the office!!! Hehehe - it's actually one of the empty cabinets. Not sure who/which department it belongs to but I found it empty with the key hanging so I just called it my own for now till Tuesday =p

I need to go shopping! I need shoes and bags for weddings - I have none currently. I really have none, ZERO! So unbelievable right? Such a shame to the woman-kind right? Yeah I know so shut up. I'm so bored at work right so I can actually just take the MRT to Bugis. I have seen a couple which I really like from Charles & Keith ready anyway. But I'm also extremely lazy. But butt feels so heavy. I don't feel like walking or getting up. You know I'm supposed to just walk across to the ATM and I feel so lazy too. Hai.....*have to look for something/someone to blame**think**think**think* Oh the 2 years I spent in Kenya lor....BUT I really need to go to the ATM today. Really really must go.......


Aiyo....faster lah. Mr hour and Mr Minute hand move faster lah. So damn bored! I had to convince myself to wake up for work this morning man. SIEN!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bored @ work

My email is not moving for the last 30minutes and it is still not moving now. It's not responding and I have restarted a few times already. Let's keep it that way shall we? Heh! That means I won't get any work done and that might not be good =(

Monday - damn tired and it's all Bejeweled's fault! I couldn't get away from that game last night. Kept telling myself one more game one more game. I ended up stuck with it for more than 45 minutes. Slept around 11pm instead of 10pm =S Serve me right bah!

I brought back ALL (except like 10pieces) of clothes to JB yesterday and I didn't realise I only have so few pieces (should have ordered more) though I know people who will disagree readily hehehe.....especially those who lost their bedroom to me. Like I said, I have 1 little box left, another of accessories which i will collect later for flea and 2 big boxes of Nica bags left. Will bring those later coz I doubt I will be selling a lot of bags @ Haji so hopefully (fingers fully crossed) that they will sell during the flea. I am prepared to lose some for this batch of products. They really suck! I mean OK the bags are fine BUT they can't sell! Too expensive and too new in the market. I doubt anybody knows them still though they seem to have established themselves pretty well in Europe and Australia.

Forgot to change the kid's clothes delivery address to BP. If anything, it will arrive today in JB. Good and bad - good coz it didn't arrive on Saturday as planned so if delivery is to BP then I won't be able to get it in time for Haji's opening. Bad - coz I definitely am going to get questioned by hubby for ordering again. He said no more stocks. Get rid of whatever is on hand first since we're cash tight at the moment. How how how? Jialat....

I have been on this post for the last 10 minutes and my email is still not responding. Great - just great coz I have something urgent which I need to tend to. Damn!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Flea market DONE!

Another item ticked off my list for Nelanz and if I'm not wrong, this is the last. Oh no, actually there is one more item on my list not done. I need to follow up on that *reminds self* Got my stall location's confirmation just a few moments ago for an upcoming flea market event in November. Another SGD300+++ gone :'( but it's OK, awareness awareness awareness and it's business right? I will have sales on that day too!

In case anyone's interested (pom pom for support anyone?):

Date: 26 - 28 November 2010
Venue: Singapore Expo
Event: The Mega Flea Market 3
Time: 10am - 10pm

If anybody's interested in getting a stall there, please let me know. Will pass you the organizer's details.

So excited!!! It's like I'm doing so many things for Nelanz in such a short span of time. Just hope it's not money down the drain *pray pray pray*

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Decided! Really!

Actually it's more than decided because I have made my choice and it's no turning back now.

Hubby and I actually visited the branch (Outlet #2) in Far East and at that moment I was damn sure Far East is going to be THE ONE (I still think so actually, IF I have a choice) but when I got there, Miss H said all are taken except one which is supposedly located in the middle of the store, can take 50 pieces and cost SGD1200!!!


Yup, no way was my final answer and I told Miss H to keep me posted coz the moment I walked into Far East, she told me Haji's taken already. Anyway, I told Miss H I will prefer Far East but the SGD600 ones ONLY. Hey, the cheaper ones have a wall shelve while the expensive one is only a rack. Nothing but a rack ok! Ish! I don't remember if I told her I'll think about it or not but nevertheless, I called her on Monday to let her know that I won't take any of the racks. Told that I'll contact her in a couple of months again for further updates or she will call me once she has something up for grabs.

Then she did...she called me that very evening to let me know that there is one in Haji! *Drum roll* There is a catch! It's SGD800 =S I went to look at the rack - no doubt it's bigger but it's SGD800! I took it...... =S yeah the sucker is me now. I took the rack! I paid a deposit for it and now I'm a f**king proud owner of a bloody rack that can take 150 pieces of clothes in a shop on Haji Lane! YEAH!!!! Yee Haw! It better be able to pay its own bills *grrrr*


Friday, September 17, 2010

Decided! (?)

I think I have more or less decided on outlet #2 (SGD480 + 20% commission) I have spoken to a few people and some of them experienced in setting up new biz, they have all adviced me to go for outlet #2. I kept thinking and did some calculations - that too supported outlet #2.

But I need to work out my finances first to see if I can really afford this. So sad to be penniless.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yes or No? Go or no go?

I'm so vexed! Visited the blogshop again, this time I brought KC along to get a 2nd opinion and this time I have asked to meet the owner as well. Between the first visit till now, I have done my fair share of blogshops research on the net and also got recommendation from a certain famous actress's sister. One name which kept coming up was one which I walked in to enquire while waiting for KC to arrive @ Haji Lane.

I liked the 2nd one better (walk-in) - actually KC's exact words, #2 wins hands down which I so totally agree and they have a branch in Far East Plaza too! Double wow! BUT there is a catch:

1) There is a difference in rental between Haji Lane and Far East branch (doh!)
2) Rental is more than outlet #1
3) Commission is much higher than outlet #1
4) Rental minimum 6 months and total for 6 months MUST be paid up front in a lump sum

I like #2 - really! But of course attitude lah - they are very popular amongst bloggers so their racks are usually snapped out quickly. And I was there to see it myself that they have the crowd.

OK the problem:

1) Outlet #1 or #2?
2) Location?
3) Should I consider or no go at all? Hubby said forget it for now but I don't want to forget it and wait!!
4) Prices? Can my sales be enough to cover rental and commissions?

URGH!!! Comments???

Monday, September 13, 2010

Resident Evil 3D

Resident Evil opened in JB on 10th Sept (I thought 9th but hubby insisted it's 10th, whatever) and we couldn't get tickets for both 3D version and non-3D version all weekend! Wow...people, really?? Managed to catch it after all on Saturday but in Singapore - paid SGD28 for 2 tickets for it. Damn! It would have cost us RM42 for 2 in Malaysia!!

Verdict: Good for 3D and action. Not as good story wise if compared to the previous installments. Wentworth Miller - breaking out of prison AGAIN.

If all you want is 3D effects, I will recomment Step Up. We saw the trailer before Resident Evil started - damn good. Super 3D. I expect that to cost less also coz if I am not mistaken, the normal 3D ticket price is RM18 (RM21 for box office movies).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

To my Muslim readers (if I have any) Selamat Hari Raya! 

Got back our passports today - our Indian visa done! That one visa took up 2 pages of my passport!!! Grrrr....not like I care coz I don't think I'll be traveling much now anyway. *sigh* But another interesting visa in my passport heh. Now I have visas to Sudan, Kenya, Dubai and India. =p I love flipping through my current and the last passports - so full of memories, colours and experiences from my travels.

Coming to an end of my week long rest. Bitter sweet really. I'm glad to go back to work coz I'm almost bored to death. I really wonder how I got through Kenya - not working for 2 years! But I'm also feeling super moodless when I think about going back to work in that company, that job. yucks! Hang in there girl! It is paying the bills!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another milestone?

Will this be a new milestone for Nelanz? We are considering of renting a tiny space for Nelanz in a shop in Singapore. This shop is already renting rack space to 6 other blog shops and Nelanz has been approached to join their "family"

Things to do:
1) Do I have to employ sales/shopkeeper for my stuff?
2) Rental?
3) Agreement?
4) Traffic
5) Location
6) Business times
7) A lot of calculation to see if workable

If all in my favour then it will be a very exciting milestone for Nelanz and who knows, it could finally mean a new start for Nelanz!

Should I or should I not bother?? Will update you guys once I have taken a look at the premise. I tried searching online - the shop front didn't look too interesting, also the operating hours (2pm to 9pm)

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's official!

What is official?? I hate my job - that's what's official. Heh I have finally accepted and can confirm that I hate my job. I mean everybody go through the "I-hate-my-job" moments right just because something cropped up then. But hey I'm on medical leave and I still am thinking about how much I hate my job! I must really hate my job - need to find some way to get out.

Eye surgery

Did a very minor surgery around my left eye today. Will be on medical leave for 4 days but I'll have the whole week off coz Friday's a public holiday! Whee (Maybe not so whee after all)!!! Happiness.....and I'll get to get my Indian visa done too. Me like...!

Will post pics of my eye soon....stay tune

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Do you know I'm going to India on 8th October for a week? Attending a girlfriend's wedding and am so glad she's having her wedding there, honestly, coz hubby has already laid out very clearly that he's going to stay clear of India for the next 2 years. He claims that India is a 3rd world country and he's had enough of it for awhile. But BAM! he has no choice but to go (or not) now =p

The only problem now is I am paying for 2 persons while all my other friends are not that restricted by money or they are only paying for themselves. Don't forget I have a house husband at the moment so every single cent makes a lot of difference for me. The married ones have commitments split 2 and single ones - they have commitments within their means. My commitments and bills are x2 with 1 miserable salary. Anyway, the girls are going for the tour packages which will cost SGD700-1000 per pax. Multiply it by 2 and that will be my cost ontop of flight tickets, expenditures AND visa fees. NO WAY! There is no way I will be able to sign up with them. I have no choice but to come up with my own plans now. So messy!

It is very disappointing but there is only so much I can stretch myself, not to forget we have spent so much to come back from Kenya and we have extremely limited cash on hand. I have decided if worst comes to worst, I will cut my losses and forgo the trip totally. In any case, I might lose the whole $$ I paid for the tickets but that's it! No other costs anymore. And then I can book myself and hubby to some other place instead. I made myself clear in the email but seems like everybody has chosen not to see what I have written.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Extremely tired today leh...didn't sleep extraordinarily late last night but am so tired today and can't wait to go home. Am just worried about work.

Colleagues (sales department) were all on time and was all there by 9am. Buck took the lead to sing me a birthday song IN the office and in front of everybody! I could only lie on my desk and hide my face! =) Damn fun in a way lah...HAHAHAHAHA I also got a card from all my team mates.

But the real surprise for now (I don't think there will be more but just to reserve some leeway) - noon - is the appearance of John Lim in the office!! He's back for his home-leave. I over heard Paul's teleconversation, I believe from the receptionist and I believe Paul spoke up on purpose, that John's at the reception area. He got a shock himself when he saw me - he didn't know I was back with Maersk you see and the first thing he did is to get hubby's phone number from me. Could only tell him that hubby doesn't have any phone at the moment.

Heard from John also that Hew went for appendicitis removal and has just been discharged. I hope to call him today but most likely tomorrow. Just call and see how he's doing but weird - why hasn't anybody told me? I mean I have emailed Elaine and Ivy recently so why hasn't anybody mentioned anything in the emails?

Start of a new era

Happy birthday Malaysia and most of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm entering a brand new era with my new age (don't even ask) although age is only yet another number. What will this age mean to me? I mean apart from hitting 1 million bucks in my bank account and have kids, what else have I not done? Actually, sad to say, loads.

Resolutions? Uh....excuse me, resolutions are for New Year not birthday! Doink.....birthday wishes? Lots! Really a lot! Of course the main ones health, happiness and wealth. Hehehehe although the sequence might not be that =p

No celebrations lah....."special" dinner tonight at home. O....K.....Hubby left a birthday card on the dashboard last night. Hmm...what can I say? I'm surprised at reaction...'nuff said.

12 more minutes to the official start of my work day. I'm feeling so very tired.....not enough sleep. I must must must make it a point to sleep by 10.30pm LATEST tonight. Have been sleeping real late past couple of nights trying to finish up the TV series I'm following on my laptop. Story is getting super interesting and very kan cheong. But must get hubby to go DVD hunting with me this weekend for more series.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Start of another week

Weekends are just not long enough! We slog so long just to get to the weekend and it ends just like that. So unfair! Malaysia's having fun this week - actually KL and Penang. They had a day off on Friday and National Day's on Tuesday so anybody who takes today off will have a damn good weekend. *Jealous*

Had a small birthday celebration on Saturday with hubby and 6 of his friends. Nothing special - had drinks at the sports cafe and had 2 birthday cakes (3kg in total)! Tomorrow's my actual birthday. Again, nothing has been planned - it's a working day anyway but my mother in law mentioned something about asking my brother in law and some of her friends over. She'll do the cooking. Food again...urgh! Do you know that I have put on like 1-1.5kg over the weekend alone? Hate it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time of the month

*cough cough* It's really the time of the month....THAT TIME......Feeling so uncomfortable. Sometimes I really do think that it's a good idea to get pregnant then I'm free from THAT time for 9 whole months! But then again, after giving birth, I'll be in THAT time of the month for 3 whole months! Gosh, who wants to be bleeding for 3 full months? Crazy.....

But anyways, been really cranky these couple of days. No thanks to THAT time of the month. It always happen. I remember Gie telling Nelson "females are only normal for 2 weeks of every month, after that all the hormonal mess up starts all over again" So true....words of the wise *puke puke*

Am pretty proud of myself! Yay! Been working my ass off on Nelanz - updating the products and stuff. Have you seen it lately? Beautiful.....but no sales so far. Why?!? >.< Readers....wanna support me a little ( )??? I promise excellent and tip top quality......guarantee! I have been sleeping at mid-night the past 2 days working on updating the products even though I have to wake up at 5am. So I really am putting a lot of hard work into it....Oh and by the way, if any of my readers are interested in joining Nelanz's mailing list, please comment on this post OR if you are more interested in receiving updates on children's apparels, send me your email address as well so that I can include you in my mailing list. Lil' Pixies (children's apparels website) is not yet running so am sending out new products via email. Lil' Pixies deal only with popular brand apparels like Osh Kosh, Baby Gap, Nike, Zara, Gymboree etc.

Aiks....time to go back to work. It's 8.42am now but I start at 8am (coz I wanna leave at 4.30pm!) demotivated to work. HATE my job right now. Honestly, I have never hated my job before (ok I have said it before but never actually hated it till now) but right now, I finally understood what it means by I HATE MY JOB. GOSH!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekend!!!! YAY!

The weekend! Finally!! My weekend officially started at 11.30am today - that's when I finally sent my MD back to the office and detached myself from him after 2 days of making him my best friend. A lot of my friends wondered when I said my weekend started officially at 11.30am that I'm on half day. No I'm not - it just feels like weekend after the 2 days with him. And Fridays are usually very quiet plus we leave office 30mins earlier anyway. So I guess those are more than enough to justify my claim right?

What am I going to do this weekend....? Hmmm...Oh Nelanz, of course. What else. But I think hubby has other plans (read ice skating in Kallang). Whatever it is, I'm gonna have to rest well. Been handling the daily travel better. I think I'm getting used to waking up at that sort of ungodly hour so it doesn't feel so torturous anymore. And I have a resolution - I HAVE TO START DOING REAL SALES FROM NEXT WEEK ON! Hahahah yah, been slacking man. Been staying indoors only for the past 2 weeks except these past 2 days when I actually met 2 customers.

Oh and for some reason, I put on 1kg!!! GOD!! NO!!! That increases the total of kilos piled since I came back to 2.5kg!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally have no idea where that extra kilo came from ok. I mean I take my normal heavy breakfast (I do that even in Kenya) everyday at 7am then I have nothing else (maybe a cup of milo in between) then just dinner! Not a lot of dinner too. Small rice. Maybe too much dishes. Hmmm.....gotta just live on bread for awhile now.....SO SAD!!! My thighs are like HUGE now! WHY ME?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Long Thurs & Fri

Well, usually I'll be super excited that it's Thursday tomorrow but not this week. I'm gonna dread everything from tomorrow up to noon Friday. To be fair, only 1-2 hours tomorrow at lunch and 2 hours on Friday from 9am. 

Our MD is coming to Singapore tomorrow and has arranged for lunch with a customer. My boss, as usual, has taiji-ed the lunch meeting to me since the customer belongs to me. Problem is the two who will be attending are people of my MD's level and I have never ever met them before, ever! Can you imagine how torturous it will be? I wonder how long I can last before I sit like an idiot and spoil whatever chance I have of making an impression to the big boss in hope for a big at increment and promotion. Urgh! Not like I like this guy - he's the MD from Kenya so Nelson and I do know him before he came to Malaysia. 

On Friday, again our same friend.....gotta take him to a customer's. Not sure why but my boss has been pushing me to get at least an appointment for him. Why me?!? So I end up being stuck with him for lunch on Thursday and a client's meeting on Friday. Dread dread dread......YUCKS! 

God, please just let's skip tomorrow and fast forward to Friday evening can?

Monday, August 16, 2010

3D or no 3D

Watched The Last Airbender with hubby last week. We were so excited that for once we'll be watching it in 3D and not a cartoon too! But sigh...disappointment. We paid RM7 more than the usual price of the ticket and it's not worth a single cent. My advice - do not watch The Last Airbender in 3D!!! 

Watching movies in 3D is such a torture - really...and literally. Your eyes get so tired you start tearing (well, I did) and at the end of the whole movie, I felt like my stomach was turning upside down. Actually, halfway through the movie, I actually took my glasses off and watched it with my naked eyes. Well I don't think I'll recommend that if you're watching other 3D movies but you can with The Last Airbender because that's how "good" (read bad) the 3D effect is! Hubby said the best 3D effect in the movie is actually the subtitles and that too was done in/by Malaysia!

Having said that, I do recommend watching the upcoming Narnia is 3D though. The effect is beautiful - caught the trailer before Airbender started. Can't wait to torture my eyes AGAIN!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Very tired and gonna get old...

Apart from the fact that my birthday is just around the corner, I'll be looking much older if you haven't met me since I came back from Kenya or haven't seen me for the past 3 weeks. Significantly older, all thanks to the daily travel into Singapore from JB and back.

It's my 2nd week of traveling now and I can really feel it taking a toll on my body. I believe I'm really stressed because of the jams and the lack of sleep. Not helping, I have been traveling at an ungodly hour this week and will most likely continue to do so till I find the optimum hour. I left for work at 4.50am yesterday and I left 15 minutes later today - still made good time. I'm going to try leaving at 5.30am instead tomorrow and see if I can still make good time. No ERP, no jam man! How nice right? But I cannot keep my eyes open today already and it's only the 2nd day, not to mention it's only 8.56am! Have to give me some credit though coz I have been sitting at my desk since 6.30am. T....I....R....E....D......and it's not even 9am yet!!! 

How to leave early today leh? Actually right nothing what - that was what I submitted for mah...flexi working hour, 8am to 4.30pm so why should I be worried to be seen leaving work at 4.30pm leh?? Siao.....may leave earlier than that today though coz super tired Nelanz not even done.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Advance Birthday Singapore!!

Errr...yeah I don't really care but then I owe it to Singapore to get a day off on Monday right? Anywhere I go, I'll wish that country I'm in Happy Birthday - confirm holiday one.....

How will I spend this long weekend (long overdue too!!!)?? Hmm...will be going back to BP tomorrow (I hope the traffic's alright) then will return to JB on Sunday (most likely night) then spend Monday recuperating and biting my fingers wondering what will hit me on the roads on Tuesday, to work!!! *shakes shakes* Am shaking already right now thinking about Tuesday. Confirm scary. I wonder if I should wake up at 5am? Hmmm......Good and bad - let's see what time I sleep on Monday night tee hee hee

I MUST get some work on Nelanz done this weekend. If I don't start this weekend, I'll never ever start again, ever!

Ahh.....3 more hours and then my weekend starts! Actually, I'm also getting pretty worried how the traffic will be today. I'm pretty sure the rush will start TODAY and most people will be 1/2 day leave already. EEEEKKKK!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

For once....

For once the Malaysian government actually give a hoot about us, the poor citizens who have to buy Singaporean registered car. The government passed a mandate that will not allow Singaporean registered cars to fill their tanks with government subsidized petrol. Instead they have to fill it up with non-subsidized petrol like the V-Power, for example.

We, Malaysians, who HAVE to (YES, there are people like us who doesn't have any choice) drive Singapore registered vehicles end up suffering. Although Malaysians, but we are penalized all the same.  But thank goodness, yesterday the government acknowledge that issue and now, all Malaysian nationales who drives foreign registered vehicles will still be allowed to pump subsidized petrol! Wheeee!!! MUACKS MUACKS! Love ya! Hahahaha.....

Anyway, yeah, I pumped a day of expensive petrol and now I'm back to pumping Ron95!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In case you don't know what CIQ is, it's the Bangunan Sultan Ismail in Johor Bahru - in short, the customs & immigration of Malaysia before you go into Singapore by road. And yes boy do I HATE IT!

I never liked it the first time I set my eyes upon it and much less when I started using it for my trips home when I was overseas. To me, that is the MOST STUPID piece of architecture. It is not user friendly in anyway at all! It's just a pure piece of rubbish! But ever since I started traveling between JB and Singapore, I am convinced that not only that piece of rubbish is (fill with the worst word you can describe a building & the person who designed, approved and built that place), I am also super convinced that Malaysia's side of the Causeway is the worst ever! Malaysian government, knock knock, anybody home? WAKE THE HELL UP! Open up your eyes!!! What a shame!!!!!

Every morning, every single morning (Monday mornings is another story altogether) - the jam is unbelievable. The causeway is clear - only AFTER you have passed the Malaysian half. A very quick and nice journey which will not take more than 1 hour 10-15min (taking the heavy traffic in Singapore into consideration already) from JB house to Singapore office will take me no less than 2 hours! The jam at the customs is horrible and it's all because of ONE (YES ONE!) bottle neck at the Malaysian half of the Causeway - for God's sakes, you built the bloody structure, all of it, with tax payer's money so why oh why can't we have 2 lanes all the way! It's because of 2 lanes merging into 1 lane that's causing the jam! Once we get out of that bottle neck, the rest of the drive is plain pleasant, a breathe of fresh air. Another vote to Singapore! Shame on you Malaysia!

Monday mornings are another story altogether. I leave house at 5.45am and I actually get to office only at 8.45am - leaving house 45 minutes earlier and getting to work 30-45minutes later than usual. People who thought about this and designed this idiotic structure - I beg you to travel on it in the mornings, during the rush hour. Please experience this for yourself. Don't travel on it during non-peak and tell us that it's fine. That's unfair and that's not the real picture. Be real.

One last thing before I forget, please build a special lane for our dear motorcyclist. What they are doing now, riding amongst the cars in a already very narrow 2 lane causeway (Malaysian half of course) is extremely dangerous. It won't cost you too much to protect your citizens - it's OUR money anyway so why you bother?


Monday, August 2, 2010

AI Sinking without Simon?

What the hell is going on with American Idol? Over the weekend, I read Keira Dioguardi has been fired by the bosses of AI then I read Jessica Simpson has been approached to come on a resident judge (!?)

Keira fired - no reason given in that report I read but it was confirmed this morning by a local radio station. The same radio station mentioned that Ellen will not be back for a 2nd season as well (not surprising - in fact getting her in the first place was) So we have Steve Tyler, Randy Jackson and J Lo confirmed as the upcoming judges of AI. Hmmm....what do you think of the line-up?

Then there's the talk of Jessica super bimbo Simpson approached?? Gosh...what are the producers thinking? Why her??? She's like brainless! She's like brainless! She's like super duper brainless! She can't sing, she can't talk properly - she's only getting by with her boobs and curves! She hasn't even got the looks nor fashion sense!! Ish!

AI is on the downward spiral as many have predicted after Simon Cowell announced his departure - I'm damn sure it will go down down down. Not a long wait before the new season starts - let's just wait and see!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Greetings Earthlings

Erm.....Ok I totally forgotten that I have a blog, that I keep a blog! job has taken up so much of my time, I have let Nelanz and Lil' Pixies down. Oh of course, my blog too. But today, out of the blue, I thought about my blog and here I am, blogging from my office desk!

I'm actually super bored today - nothing much is going on. It's a Friday, hello. I'm just waiting to go home really - it's 3.30pm now and I knock off in 30 minutes! =p Long long drive back to JB - think that you can even see Singapore/JB from where you're standing (depending on which side you're) but it takes me at least 1.5hours (really clear roads) to get from office to home. Story of my think so? Nah......this is story of my life - I'm traveling to and fro JB - Singapore everyday now! It's 2 hours of traveling time EACH way!!!

I got booted out my new room only after moving in for a week! I moved in 1st week of July and was told that the owner wants to take the flat back at the end of the month. So yeah....started room hunting again but no luck so far that's why have moved back to JB for now. Hoepfully it will only be temporary. It's freaking tiring to be traveling this way. Just to keep myself alive and make sure that I don't fall asleep at the wheel, I must sleep by 11pm (latest 11.30pm) and leave the house by 6.30am (Mondays & Fridays, 6am) Yep, I have no life now. It's work, home and sleep. I "awarded" myself with a little night life yesterday + 2 beers, I ended up going home, shower and straight to bed. I didn't even manage to say a single word to hubby except hello when I entered the house! Sad.....super sad......we spoke more when we stayed apart coz I call him every night.

Let's see how it goes - I have a viewing on Monday.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ooppps I did it again....=P

Hehehe more than a month?!? I don't believe this until just a moment ago was chatting with Gie about blogs only did I realise I have not been updating my blog since like I left Kenya!

I'm writing to you from Singapore! It has been my home for the past, almost 1 month now - started on my new job on the 19th of May......What can I say? I'm only glad that I am back at work again, after MIA for 2 years. Getting back into the working world isn't as scary and tough as I imagined. I thought I was gonna have problems getting used to working life again but apart from the lack of sleep (I only manage 7 hours tops now instead of my very comfortable 10 hours for the past 2 years!!!) and the long traveling hours, it really isn't a big deal. I believe being back in Maersk again helped. Hey, I am doing what I know best right? It's like the only job I ever had. The only thing I ever knew how to do.

Colleagues, well, could be better but my own team (sales) members are diamonds. Again, me being been in Maersk before helped coz I see familiar faces back in the sales department again. Although we never worked together before but we have met during sales conferences etc. And being able to tell people that I have been Maersk Russia and Maersk Italy pushed my "value" up a little =p

Am staying with Gie now - it's great except for the traveling. Imagine 30 minutes by bus just to get to the MRT station (7 stations away) and another 30 minutes from MRT to MRT (13 stops) and another 10 minutes just to walk to the office??? ZZZzzzzzz - oh no, I can't coz no seats!!!! *Says I must buy car I must buy car I must buy car* Julia offered for me to stay on but this will be for another day since will need to iron out some issues with Gie before taking it up a level (Julia).

Actually right - I am having writer's block now. Can I write again?? I notice I might be babbling......


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last day

With all the buzz around me since I came back to Kenya 3 weeks ago, I am writing for the last time from Kenya. This is the last full day I have in Kenya - we'll be flying out at 2pm local time tomorrow. Hmmm... 2 years....I arrived 1st May 2008 and leaving 30th April 2010. 2 years of my life here - can't help but feeling emotional. It has been, after-all, apart of me. It has been where I have called home and it is where I started my own family. So yes, no matter how much I complain about this place (stupid drivers, portholes everywhere, no electricity) etc, I have come to realise that I do feel rather sad leaving this place. Could my friend be right after all? He said everyone he knows who has left Africa ends up missing this place. Before, I was very sure that I won't miss this place apart from the weather and the nature. But I am not so sure now.....this place does hold a certain charm after all.

Staying at our friend's for two nights. We have officially moved out of our apartment - totally empty when we left - we gave all the small stuffs away to the guard and gardeners of our compound. Another sad sight coz I have never seen the apartment empty, ever. When I came the very first time, hubby already had some pieces of furniture in the house. I doubt he has ever seen the apartment empty himself.

On the high note, I have unofficially 2 job offers which I am considering. One's a new job and more relevant to CFP and the other, with my ex-beloved-employer. Most people are inclined towards me accepting the latter, which I'd think I will accept if offered. No matter what, it is what I'm familiar with and not as sleazy. 

Signing out for the last time from Kenya. 

Over and out....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Yet another....

Another boring post about how time flies - it's Monday 5pm already! It's less than 4 days to our flight out of Kenya for good and the close of my globe trotting chapter after 4 very fruitful and exciting years, FOR NOW. Yes it's only temporary - moi gonna make sure that it is. Nope, not a homey person so it's pretty sad for me and yes I hate the country where I am going back to. No thanks to our competent government. Same cannot be said for hubby though - he's so damn looking forward to it. He's counting the seconds!

I have been trying to pack all day in between FB games. Managed to get stuff into the luggage and leave the rest for the moving company on Wednesday. I'm not sure where they will start and how they are going to do it because I am so lazy, I am not bothered to put all of them in one place. Maybe I should/will tomorrow. Let's see......Don't remember moving being so tedious, maybe because I have never stayed this long and in such a big place for this long. Those times, I was a single lady with only that many things. But now, this was where we called home for 2 years. And to be fair, my apartment in Moscow was tiny (minute) and when I was in Italy, the company didn't even give me the chance to unpack before telling us "sorry guys, department is closing down" So they were still in their boxes when I had to move.

Busy week - dinner with hubby's boss tonight, tea with Malaysia Trade Commissioner to Kenya tomorrow, dinner with friends and movers and moving out of the apartment on Wednesday, farewell dinner with hubby's colleagues on Thursday and Friday - time to say sayonara for good (Kwaheri in Swahili) (business trips in the future don't count)

I have to remember to do the last batch of laundry in Kenya tomorrow. Remember remember remember - TIRED!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is Kenya disappointing

I promised to tell you guys all about why at the end of my stay in Kenya (only a week to go), this place still doesn't fail to disappoint. 2 reasons.

1) Hubby resigned and according to company policy, company will not be responsible of repatriation if one resigns when assigned overseas. That means moving back is all our own cost - air ticket and shipping. So we're selling ALL our belongings especially the furniture pieces he brought with him 3 years ago and we'll travel light, as light as possible. Now we have this leather sofa which a Kenyan lawyer has seen and pre-booked way back in Jan/Feb. We did not insist on a deposit because he's paid a deposit on our TV console, he's a friend's cousin and he's a professional. I have started chasing for a deposit starting end Feb - I will give him a call to remind about payment almost like every week. I had to leave in mid-March for a short trip home so we agreed that he'll show up on a certain date and pass the cash to hubby, which he didn't. Hubby called during my absence and our friend, who also bought some things from us, promised to turn up one weekend with him. No sign of them.

When I came back early April, I contacted the lawyer again. He promised to come with the cash the next day - no show, not returning/picking up my calls or SMS. Finally heard from him 2 days after our initial contact. His words "Sorry due to unavoidable circumstances, I have decided not to take the sofa" WTF! MotherF*!£$-er. That was last week! How the hell did he expect me to sell my sofa at such short notice? Well apparently, he did! And apparently, it's not at all possible to sell at such short notice! A week to our departure and we're still in possession of that bloody sofa! Freak freak freak freak!!!!!!!!!!!!

He came yesterday (Thursday) insisting on collecting his TV console (which in the end, I allowed him to cart it away) even though I clearly mentioned the deadline to pay up is Wednesday. He sent me an SMS on Tuesday saying he'll be here on Wed otherwise, latest 2pm Thursday. I had a lady waiting in line for the console and at 3pm when there was no sign of the lawyer, I told the lady it's hers but at 4pm, this idiot turned up. I offered to return his deposit to him even though I mentioned deposit will be forfeited but no, he insisted he wants it and threatens that he's a lawyer. Sadly, I had to turn the lady down - sorry.....

Now 2nd incident

When the lawyer came to my place for the console (yes the same idiot), he brought with him a colleague to help with the move. I am guessing this guy works for the lawyer. Anyway, lawyer left him and the pick-up van's driver to move while he sits comfortably in his Merc. When they came to move the last piece of the console, office guy actually said to me - "You look lonely" FREAK FREAK FREAK! I was like WTF? I said to him "I'm waiting for you to move the damn thing out - I need to clean the place so be quick"

When I called hubby to let him know that lawyer is coming over, hubby was all flustered and worried. He was worried about my safety most of all - that I'm alone dealing with the jerk and the men he'll bring with him, mostly because of the brushes that we've had. He told me to open all windows and leave the door open while they are around and keep a pocket knife with me. Initially I thought hubby was getting overly worried but after that guy asked me if I'm lonely, I thought hey hubby's right!

When hubby got back, he didn't even put his bags down and came rushing to the room to check if I'm OK. And boy was he worried about me coz he wasn't smiling like he always does and the moment he saw me, he hugged me so tight I was damn sure I was gonna lose all the 1kg I have put on so far and more! 

So yeah - these are the 2 main incidents and there are many more - like people calling you to tell you they want to buy something from you at this price and they will be here the next day at this time. Not only do they not turn up but they also try all their might to avoid you. Unbelievable how irresponsible they are. If you don't want it anymore, just say so. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Busy but still have enough time to be pissed

Yes I am pissed! Pissed pissed pissed! Even when I'm almost leaving, the Kenyans can't leave me something good about them to remember - they have to yet again prove to me that it's a right choice to leave this idiotic country. Totally no sense or responsibility and ownership.....including professionals! Urgh! I am so pissed I don't even wanna talk about it now. Watch for next post....

So busy packing! Don't even know where to start - am now packing for flea market this Saturday then will have open house all of next week for neighbours in the same compound to come pick the left-overs then we'll see what's left. I have totally no idea what we'll do with left-overs. Won't be bringing much in LCL because hubby came back with one quotation and it costs whopping USD510/cbm not including local charges at destination! OMG.....*faint* I had 17cbm from Italy to Kenya and trust me that is NOT a I took 20cbm and we end up with USD10,200!!!! *faint faint faint* Waiting for another company to come on Tuesday for pre-removal survey.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Final weeks in Kenya - almost time to say goodbye

Back in Nairobi (Friday, 09 April) after spending 3 weeks back home. It's been a good trip on both personal and career/professional level. Managed to squeeze in an interview the day before my flight and it went well. Waiting for them to get back to me if I get shortlisted for the final 4. From there, they will choose 1. There are a couple of issues we need to straighten out about the job as well so we'll see.

Only 18 days to go before we're packing up and leaving the place I've called home for the past 2 years for good. I leave on exactly on the 730th day since I stepped foot in Nairobi and called the city home. As I pack up our belongings (yes I have started packing), memories started coming back. This place has both bitter and sweet memories - this place also changed my life, in a way. Although I'm glad to be leaving Kenya, I'm also feeling sad because I'm leaving. It's so hard to describe. Looking back I think only Moscow made me feel close to how I am feeling now - not exactly, just similar. I think I am feeling more sadness leaving here than Moscow - those who knows me well will know why I'm sad about going back =)

Anyway, looking forward to the change back home. Nervous for sure but it'll definitely be for the better. Argh I should continue packing and stop slacking!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Best of both worlds

Whee! I won't have to change my flight (and pay an additional USD50) PLUS I'll get to attend the interview too! I didn't manage to speak to him on the phone but he replied my email and interview will be tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm in Bugis. It's like so so near where I stayed last week when I visited. It's 5 minutes walk! Man, should have sent my application before I visited Singapore last week. Procrastinated that's why....sigh.....If I had not procrastinate then I wouldn't have to tell the hiring manager "sorry, cannot Friday ah"

I went to the company's website and saw the hiring manager's picture....ermm....scared and nervous leh after seeing his picture. I also saw the picture of a girl in that position I applied for - I wonder if they are expanding or if this girl is leaving (left) the company. But whatever it is, get any job first it or not we'll decide later. At least with a job, I can take my time to look for a better job if I don't like this one. Speaking like the job's mine! Hahahaha.....

Anyway wish me luck! Knowing that I have a job waiting for me (if I do get it) makes everything looks more hopeful and less stressful.

**I must stop blogging now because I'm not making any sense.....if anybody can make any sense of the above, give yourself a big round of applause.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Choices choices choices - coincidence coincidence coincidence...STRESS!

I got an interview! So happy but then again stress....not because I have to go through the whole process of being interviewed again but because the hiring manager has asked me to be interviewed on Friday, the same day I'm supposed to catch my flight back to Nairobi! Gosh!

He tried calling me but seeing that we've already progressed into the afternoon, I changed my Singapore number out and in with my Malaysian number and he missed me by THAT much.....sigh....but I have to say he was nice enough to even bother to write me an email asking if I'm available for a short interview this week and that's when he suggested Friday. I replied asking if Thursday is alright instead coz I'll be out for a short trip on Friday - should have added I can change my flight if it's not convenient for him KLUTZ! - and I also asked if it will be in the office or over the phone coz he never mentioned and I didn't want to assume. You might think "DUH of course in the office" and yes, I know that's the norm but I just want to be sure and maybe also to give him the idea that phone interview might also work =p Hmmm...I wonder if he knows that I'm a Malaysian and if he does employ me, he will have to get me a work permit....

This is a good company and coincidentally (like as if there isn't enough coincidence already) it is a DANISH company. *waves hands in the air* what is it with me and Danes???

I have told hubby the news - he is torn between the two - me going back later (possibility) and possibility of me getting the job but of course no matter how much he misses me, we both know that the interview is the most important, hands down. I dunno if I should write another email to the hiring manager to reinforce what I have written earlier cz I don't wanna sound desperate but I also don't want him to have a bad impression of me even before meeting me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Haircut

Got a new haircut 2 days ago. It's so hot this part of the world that I just couldn't have it long....I wonder how I did it last time. I used to have very very long hair and I don't use to tie it up too - I just leave it flowing.....Apart from that, hubby also loves it when I have short hair.

I feel so much better and so much younger now that I have it short. Before, I was looking so ah-soh! I will have it tied up in a ponytail even though it is not long enough to be in a ponytail so you can imagine how messy and untidy I look. And to make things worse, I have my fringe pinned. Man....nobody would have guessed I'm in the fashion business by looking at me a week ago! And nobody will dare to buy from me if they had seen me then. What a fashion disaster but it was too hot to care. And now - I'm back! Hehehehe

Nice?? Hubby says still too long.....what do you think? My hairdresser, when he started, said he's going to give me a new style. He has been giving me the bob the past 2 times I visited but this time he's going to give me short layered, full-body short. Erm....what is the difference ah? I think I still have the same style as I've had, bob or not.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I have only posted one entry since I came back to Malaysia? What? Are you serious? Sorry sorry - totally forgotten all about my blog huh? What have I been up to - hmm - let's see.....NOTHING! Muahahaha... honestly, nothing. I have applied a couple of jobs here and there but that's about it. Oh of course I have sold quite a number of pieces of clothes from Nelanz Store. My sleeping patterns have become really erratic - I am still keeping to Nairobi's sleeping and waking hour. I have to pat myself on the back for this. Quite an achievement huh? =p

It's almost time for me to fly back to Nairobi. Have booked my tickets for coming Friday. Going back for 2 weeks ++ then will come back with hubby for good (figure of speech coz I don't wish to be back in this part of the world for good). 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

So what did you do from 8.30pm to 9.30pm yesterday (your local time)? Did you switch of all lights (including your laptop even if it runs on reserve battery power) in support of Earth Hour? Did your friends or people around you do that too?

Honestly and very shamefully, I did not. None of the houses on my street did too. I would have but my mum didn't allow it. Reason? Too dark - will invite thieves. Er mum??!??? Are you serious? But anyway, she says no who am I to say yes? In my little hometown, I didn't see anyone doing it at all although I had lots of friends participated. Of course I didn't venture far enough to confirm that NOBODY at all participated but from the journey between my grandma's and my house and a restaurant some 15 minutes away from my house - I didn't see any. What a waste...

But I am proud of KLCC (read Twin Towers of Malaysia) - they were actually in the dark for the full hour! Cool!!!

Well I hope you did your part. I know I didn't....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Verify this anybody?

My hubby sent me this today - is this true?? Apparently it will be out in May and for the first time in Apple's history, the battery is detachable (say yay!) and for the first time in Apple's history, the battery actually is expected to last! (More yays I hear?) And it's 4G!

Battery life: 3 weeks.....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hot Hot Hot!

Arghhhh the weather is horrible!! It's sooo hot and humid I don't feel like doing anything! But I can't do nothing coz I have tons to do! Damn.....sit or walk or stand, it's just as hot. Only with the air conditioner on that it's bearable.....but I can't have it on all the time - my dad will kill me! URGH HOT HOT HOT!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Finally back on solid land....I was so tired (I went without sleep for 36 hours) I slept damn well throughout the night and most part of the day *shy* I actually woke up only at 4pm Malaysian time...hehehe...

The flight was long and tedious as usual but it's super torturous. Damn I am seriously considering of an upgrade on my trip back. And I think I will upgrade when I fly back to Nairobi. Not going to into details coz it will turn into a racist post and I don't mean it that way.

But anyway, I might be flying back in 2 or 3 weeks....hubby won't be resigning today and will only resign next week when JL is back in the office. No thanks to JH....ish!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My flight is at 11.35pm and I'm still home coz I have already checked in online so with luggage, I only need to be there 90 minutes before which means 10pm. I guess we'll leave like 9-9.30pm?? I think 9pm will be safer in case of traffic jams or what-not.'s's so unlike our home trips. This is going to be a very short trip home although this is supposed to be us moving back home for good - leaving Kenya for good. Why? Because hubby still has to serve his notice with the company so I'll be back here to help him pack and move then we'll leave together, this time for good.

How do I feel now??? Nervous and dreading it....those who know me know that I hate living in and working in Malaysia which is why we're moving to Singapore and hopefully somewhere else. Nervous - simple - imagine being at home doing whatever you want when you want to and sleeping whenever you want to and till whatever time....for 2 years then all of a sudden, you have to start the process of trying to impress another individual just to get a job, to survive.....and the whole process of trying to try and get along with an office of new people. Man.......what's more, I'm most likely be moving to a whole new industry. Hmmm....

But the thing we (hubby and I) did not see coming is how hard it is to gonna be separated for 2 weeks or more. It didn't hit any of us before until just these couple of days....we've never been apart for more than 3 days at a time for the past 2 years! Even then, we were apart for 3 days only ONCE, otherwise nothing more than 10 or 12 hours =p So yeah, didn't see that coming - I think we thought it will be a good break for both of us. So, yeah it's tough but I'm sure once I get home it'll be different coz I have my beloved family and friends PLUS LOTS OF THINGS TO DO! And in another 3 days, I'll know when I'll fly back here coz by then we'll know for sure when hubby's last day will be. For all I know, I might have to fly back here again in a week! But I'll try to fly back after 31st March - might have to meet some customers then. 

Anyway, only 45 minutes left before we have to leave for the airport.....

See you in Malaysia! I'M GONNA MISS YA HUBBY!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mombasa and more...

Yup, it has taken me a long time to write this entry plainly because I have been procrastinating. It's also because of Apple's fault - there are only 2 USB ports on my MBP! Who the hell makes only 2 USB ports on any laptops now! At least 3 c'mon Apple! So anyway, when my laptop is switched on, the Internet will be too - so I have one port for my mouse and another for my modem. Where else am I going to find another for my camera? I finally remembered to do it when hubby was using the modem. Sigh....

So our trip to Mombasa was super lovely. Short weekend and a very tedious drive granted but it was all worth it (no more driving there though unless weekday) The drive was, in general, OK - it was a long long long straight road. You just need to worry about trucks and your fuel level. The road condition was lovely. But the wait for the ferry to take you from Mombasa city to South Coast was horrible. We traveled on a Saturday to South Coast and we waited in line for 4 hours to get on the ferry! It was albeit being stuck in a traffic jam because you are waiting in line with the other vehicles on an everyday road. But on a weekday, it's fine - nothing more than 30 minutes back. Hell, we didn't even have to wait 15 minutes! So yeah, if you're planning a trip to Mombasa, make sure you go and come back on a weekday. Or better yet, FLY!

My worst experience would have to be when we were running out of fuel on that stretch of long empty road. Our fuel indicator actually started showing and there wasn't anything let alone town in sight! Actually, wait a minute, we did pass a few little villages and they didn't have anything to offer us! When we finally got to a decent town and saw our usual gas brand, we couldn't stop praising the Lord BUT BUT BUT - again, only in Africa, they ran out of fuel! Another super long stretch of nothingness but thank goodness we were near Mombasa and we know we just have to make it there which we did eventually. Thank God! Hallelujah! I tell you, I was super super edgy - hubby tried his best to take my mind off the indicator but all I could tell him was not to speak to me for now coz I'm too stressed with the level of fuel we have.

When we finally got our fuel tank filled, another problem loomed - we had a cracked water tank! Yikes! Uh huh - one problem after the other....a serious one too if you think about it. Cracked water tank means it cannot hold water which means radiator might heat up especially if you're traveling long distances which means the engine might just say Goodbye which means we might be stuck in Mombasa or worse yet, in the middle of no where! OK calm down calm down....what do we do??? We just gotta make sure we watch the temperature all the time and make sure the radiator is filled to its brim, hubby said. It worked! Honestly, I wasn't as worried as I was when the fuel indicator came on.....The worst is over.....

We chose a really good resort - I was very pleased with it although the food was a disappointment. Everything about the resort was just right. The views, the rooms, the people etc etc. Great weekend I tell you. I strongly recommend The Nomad at Sands to whoever who is thinking of visiting. Definitely will return if I have the chance to. We got there late so by the time we got checked in and ready for dinner, it was already 6pm. Hubby headed straight for the Internet room and then shower which means dinner was at 9pm. But it was fine....dinner by the beach - sound of the waves, perfect lighting, not-so-perfect food but who cares?! We're on a holiday! The other thing about Mombasa is that it's at sea level, unlike Nairobi which is 2000+ metres above sea level, so it's very tropical just like in Malaysia. The heat, I can stand but the humidity? Damn.....I felt sticky all the time! No glue for stamps on your postcard? No get them from free from your body!

But I was able to look beyond that and enjoy myself to the fullest - so just imagine how beautiful and relaxing this place is. Early night - of course after the long day. We woke up early the next day - hubby couldn't wait to jump into the sea. So yeah, we got down for a swim at 10/11am and man the water was HOT! But hey, we've swam in the Indian Ocean before! Have you now? =p We stayed will maybe noon and then shifted to the pool. Sunbathing and pool and a glass of fresh pineapple juice....uh huh....hehehe.....heave ain't it? It was 4pm before we finally had lunch and it was just lazing till 10.30pm for a round of drinks at the bar. No dinner even! Then it was time to head home =( Hubby still missed it a week after....he told me the Sunday after "Imagine - we were swimming in the sea this time last week"... Yes darling, but uh....wake up!

Anyway, it's only 2 days before I board the plane. Yup - I'm heading home. Bye bye Kenya (technically, not yet coz I'll be back in 2 weeks or thereabouts to help hubby pack and move) Yes, this time it's leaving for good. Will still be back often but will not stay. It's just going to be Touch and Go from now on to deliver goods to my customers.