Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Start of a new era

Happy birthday Malaysia and most of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm entering a brand new era with my new age (don't even ask) although age is only yet another number. What will this age mean to me? I mean apart from hitting 1 million bucks in my bank account and have kids, what else have I not done? Actually, sad to say, loads.

Resolutions? Uh....excuse me, resolutions are for New Year not birthday! Doink.....birthday wishes? Lots! Really a lot! Of course the main ones health, happiness and wealth. Hehehehe although the sequence might not be that =p

No celebrations lah....."special" dinner tonight at home. O....K.....Hubby left a birthday card on the dashboard last night. Hmm...what can I say? I'm surprised at reaction...'nuff said.

12 more minutes to the official start of my work day. I'm feeling so very tired.....not enough sleep. I must must must make it a point to sleep by 10.30pm LATEST tonight. Have been sleeping real late past couple of nights trying to finish up the TV series I'm following on my laptop. Story is getting super interesting and very kan cheong. But must get hubby to go DVD hunting with me this weekend for more series.


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