Monday, August 2, 2010

AI Sinking without Simon?

What the hell is going on with American Idol? Over the weekend, I read Keira Dioguardi has been fired by the bosses of AI then I read Jessica Simpson has been approached to come on a resident judge (!?)

Keira fired - no reason given in that report I read but it was confirmed this morning by a local radio station. The same radio station mentioned that Ellen will not be back for a 2nd season as well (not surprising - in fact getting her in the first place was) So we have Steve Tyler, Randy Jackson and J Lo confirmed as the upcoming judges of AI. Hmmm....what do you think of the line-up?

Then there's the talk of Jessica super bimbo Simpson approached?? Gosh...what are the producers thinking? Why her??? She's like brainless! She's like brainless! She's like super duper brainless! She can't sing, she can't talk properly - she's only getting by with her boobs and curves! She hasn't even got the looks nor fashion sense!! Ish!

AI is on the downward spiral as many have predicted after Simon Cowell announced his departure - I'm damn sure it will go down down down. Not a long wait before the new season starts - let's just wait and see!


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