Monday, April 26, 2010

Yet another....

Another boring post about how time flies - it's Monday 5pm already! It's less than 4 days to our flight out of Kenya for good and the close of my globe trotting chapter after 4 very fruitful and exciting years, FOR NOW. Yes it's only temporary - moi gonna make sure that it is. Nope, not a homey person so it's pretty sad for me and yes I hate the country where I am going back to. No thanks to our competent government. Same cannot be said for hubby though - he's so damn looking forward to it. He's counting the seconds!

I have been trying to pack all day in between FB games. Managed to get stuff into the luggage and leave the rest for the moving company on Wednesday. I'm not sure where they will start and how they are going to do it because I am so lazy, I am not bothered to put all of them in one place. Maybe I should/will tomorrow. Let's see......Don't remember moving being so tedious, maybe because I have never stayed this long and in such a big place for this long. Those times, I was a single lady with only that many things. But now, this was where we called home for 2 years. And to be fair, my apartment in Moscow was tiny (minute) and when I was in Italy, the company didn't even give me the chance to unpack before telling us "sorry guys, department is closing down" So they were still in their boxes when I had to move.

Busy week - dinner with hubby's boss tonight, tea with Malaysia Trade Commissioner to Kenya tomorrow, dinner with friends and movers and moving out of the apartment on Wednesday, farewell dinner with hubby's colleagues on Thursday and Friday - time to say sayonara for good (Kwaheri in Swahili) (business trips in the future don't count)

I have to remember to do the last batch of laundry in Kenya tomorrow. Remember remember remember - TIRED!


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