Monday, April 5, 2010

New Haircut

Got a new haircut 2 days ago. It's so hot this part of the world that I just couldn't have it long....I wonder how I did it last time. I used to have very very long hair and I don't use to tie it up too - I just leave it flowing.....Apart from that, hubby also loves it when I have short hair.

I feel so much better and so much younger now that I have it short. Before, I was looking so ah-soh! I will have it tied up in a ponytail even though it is not long enough to be in a ponytail so you can imagine how messy and untidy I look. And to make things worse, I have my fringe pinned. Man....nobody would have guessed I'm in the fashion business by looking at me a week ago! And nobody will dare to buy from me if they had seen me then. What a fashion disaster but it was too hot to care. And now - I'm back! Hehehehe

Nice?? Hubby says still too long.....what do you think? My hairdresser, when he started, said he's going to give me a new style. He has been giving me the bob the past 2 times I visited but this time he's going to give me short layered, full-body short. Erm....what is the difference ah? I think I still have the same style as I've had, bob or not.


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