Monday, March 22, 2010

My flight is at 11.35pm and I'm still home coz I have already checked in online so with luggage, I only need to be there 90 minutes before which means 10pm. I guess we'll leave like 9-9.30pm?? I think 9pm will be safer in case of traffic jams or what-not.'s's so unlike our home trips. This is going to be a very short trip home although this is supposed to be us moving back home for good - leaving Kenya for good. Why? Because hubby still has to serve his notice with the company so I'll be back here to help him pack and move then we'll leave together, this time for good.

How do I feel now??? Nervous and dreading it....those who know me know that I hate living in and working in Malaysia which is why we're moving to Singapore and hopefully somewhere else. Nervous - simple - imagine being at home doing whatever you want when you want to and sleeping whenever you want to and till whatever time....for 2 years then all of a sudden, you have to start the process of trying to impress another individual just to get a job, to survive.....and the whole process of trying to try and get along with an office of new people. Man.......what's more, I'm most likely be moving to a whole new industry. Hmmm....

But the thing we (hubby and I) did not see coming is how hard it is to gonna be separated for 2 weeks or more. It didn't hit any of us before until just these couple of days....we've never been apart for more than 3 days at a time for the past 2 years! Even then, we were apart for 3 days only ONCE, otherwise nothing more than 10 or 12 hours =p So yeah, didn't see that coming - I think we thought it will be a good break for both of us. So, yeah it's tough but I'm sure once I get home it'll be different coz I have my beloved family and friends PLUS LOTS OF THINGS TO DO! And in another 3 days, I'll know when I'll fly back here coz by then we'll know for sure when hubby's last day will be. For all I know, I might have to fly back here again in a week! But I'll try to fly back after 31st March - might have to meet some customers then. 

Anyway, only 45 minutes left before we have to leave for the airport.....

See you in Malaysia! I'M GONNA MISS YA HUBBY!


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