Thursday, December 9, 2010

Job change soon? Will I or will I not?

Got a call from my recruitment agency yesterday to offer me the job from that company I went for interview at. It was not for the job I applied to but it was something the interviewer already told me about and one which I was interested in.

I am supposed to make yet another trip down to the office to meet up with the most senior member of that team to just get a feel of what they do on a regular day. It's scheduled for next week but I have no idea when yet - my calendar (office calendar) is super pack for whole of next week! Not to mention I have to to see what City Plaza have in-store for me. I wanna catch the last minute Christmas shoppers.

Anyways, have sent my calendar for next week over to my agent and I'm just waiting for her to come back with a fixed appointment. Can't believe I got the offer so soon - I was told by the GM to give her till mid-Dec!

This position reports directly to the GM so there isn't any leader there. Everybody's the same only some are more senior than the rest. All carries the same job title as well. I actually got a little concerned after going through the job description coz it sounded almost, if not totally, like an entry level position! But they managed to assure me and calm me down lah to trust that it is not. Then next came the question about renumeration - unfortunately, the HR only mentioned that it will not be lower than what I am currently getting. That doesn't sound very exciting since what I'm getting now isn't exciting either. Sienz.....

I think I like the job although I don't exactly like the location nor the salary (yes, I don't know yet but CONFIRM less than what I have now). Let's just hope the people around will make up for it and this position is really, like what they say, a stepping stone to prepare me for bigger roles within the company (yeah yeah yeah - why does it feel like I have heard this before? hmmmm)


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