Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Long Thurs & Fri

Well, usually I'll be super excited that it's Thursday tomorrow but not this week. I'm gonna dread everything from tomorrow up to noon Friday. To be fair, only 1-2 hours tomorrow at lunch and 2 hours on Friday from 9am. 

Our MD is coming to Singapore tomorrow and has arranged for lunch with a customer. My boss, as usual, has taiji-ed the lunch meeting to me since the customer belongs to me. Problem is the two who will be attending are people of my MD's level and I have never ever met them before, ever! Can you imagine how torturous it will be? I wonder how long I can last before I sit like an idiot and spoil whatever chance I have of making an impression to the big boss in hope for a big at increment and promotion. Urgh! Not like I like this guy - he's the MD from Kenya so Nelson and I do know him before he came to Malaysia. 

On Friday, again our same friend.....gotta take him to a customer's. Not sure why but my boss has been pushing me to get at least an appointment for him. Why me?!? So I end up being stuck with him for lunch on Thursday and a client's meeting on Friday. Dread dread dread......YUCKS! 

God, please just let's skip tomorrow and fast forward to Friday evening can?


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