Sunday, December 5, 2010

Riverdance and Sands Theatre

Verdict: Superb performance in a not so superb theatre.

We actually missed the first half of the performance. So disappointed man. Sands it not an easy place to maneuver - it doesnt have proper signage and there are only 3 parking entrances! I was like what?! Only 3? We got there in time like with 15-20mins to spare after going through the jam and all BUT the entrance to the parking which I was advised to take was close! We had to drive a little farther to do a u-turn. By this time we're already late.

We then had to go through another round of traffic jam to get to the hotel's parking and then surprise - no way we could get it coz of traffic. Continued driving and then another U-turn to return to where we started and then jam all the way in. By the time we got to the theatre, it was 9pm and doors are closing. Thank goodness we made it for 2nd half.

The crew of Riverdance really knew how to involve the audience. The whole atmosphere was really light and cheery. You get very affected by how people in your surroundings react to it. But I was pretty letdown by the theatre itself - didn't think acoustic was fantastic and it was a pretty small hall. Seats were so so......but I'm glad the temperature was just right. Not too cold or warm. 

Went to the casino after - no free food! Aiyoyo....hehehe yeah that was what we were looking for the whole time - hungry!

riverdance indeed has lived up to its name although I thought if the performance was held in a bigger theatre, the whole effect will be different. I will need to watch some of their other performances to be able to comment more coz it looked like a pretty small crew to me last night. If any of you have the opportunity to watch them Live, please do not hesitate. GO! 


MinnieMoose said...

ALLAH U!... remmeber that time when they were in KL and you didn't want to go? or somethg like that... i had to go with Jacq in the end...
it's superb! i can SWEAR i've watched in on DVD 100 times. EASILY, 100 times. Shame u missed the first half of the performance because the last dance of that first half was prolly the best (or second best).

Ann said...

erm don't remember but then again i think there was something like that. if Jacq involved ie I was working in JB to go?

I got the Riverdance 10th Anniversary Best Of during the show. It was between this and NYC Live.

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