Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is Kenya disappointing

I promised to tell you guys all about why at the end of my stay in Kenya (only a week to go), this place still doesn't fail to disappoint. 2 reasons.

1) Hubby resigned and according to company policy, company will not be responsible of repatriation if one resigns when assigned overseas. That means moving back is all our own cost - air ticket and shipping. So we're selling ALL our belongings especially the furniture pieces he brought with him 3 years ago and we'll travel light, as light as possible. Now we have this leather sofa which a Kenyan lawyer has seen and pre-booked way back in Jan/Feb. We did not insist on a deposit because he's paid a deposit on our TV console, he's a friend's cousin and he's a professional. I have started chasing for a deposit starting end Feb - I will give him a call to remind about payment almost like every week. I had to leave in mid-March for a short trip home so we agreed that he'll show up on a certain date and pass the cash to hubby, which he didn't. Hubby called during my absence and our friend, who also bought some things from us, promised to turn up one weekend with him. No sign of them.

When I came back early April, I contacted the lawyer again. He promised to come with the cash the next day - no show, not returning/picking up my calls or SMS. Finally heard from him 2 days after our initial contact. His words "Sorry due to unavoidable circumstances, I have decided not to take the sofa" WTF! MotherF*!£$-er. That was last week! How the hell did he expect me to sell my sofa at such short notice? Well apparently, he did! And apparently, it's not at all possible to sell at such short notice! A week to our departure and we're still in possession of that bloody sofa! Freak freak freak freak!!!!!!!!!!!!

He came yesterday (Thursday) insisting on collecting his TV console (which in the end, I allowed him to cart it away) even though I clearly mentioned the deadline to pay up is Wednesday. He sent me an SMS on Tuesday saying he'll be here on Wed otherwise, latest 2pm Thursday. I had a lady waiting in line for the console and at 3pm when there was no sign of the lawyer, I told the lady it's hers but at 4pm, this idiot turned up. I offered to return his deposit to him even though I mentioned deposit will be forfeited but no, he insisted he wants it and threatens that he's a lawyer. Sadly, I had to turn the lady down - sorry.....

Now 2nd incident

When the lawyer came to my place for the console (yes the same idiot), he brought with him a colleague to help with the move. I am guessing this guy works for the lawyer. Anyway, lawyer left him and the pick-up van's driver to move while he sits comfortably in his Merc. When they came to move the last piece of the console, office guy actually said to me - "You look lonely" FREAK FREAK FREAK! I was like WTF? I said to him "I'm waiting for you to move the damn thing out - I need to clean the place so be quick"

When I called hubby to let him know that lawyer is coming over, hubby was all flustered and worried. He was worried about my safety most of all - that I'm alone dealing with the jerk and the men he'll bring with him, mostly because of the brushes that we've had. He told me to open all windows and leave the door open while they are around and keep a pocket knife with me. Initially I thought hubby was getting overly worried but after that guy asked me if I'm lonely, I thought hey hubby's right!

When hubby got back, he didn't even put his bags down and came rushing to the room to check if I'm OK. And boy was he worried about me coz he wasn't smiling like he always does and the moment he saw me, he hugged me so tight I was damn sure I was gonna lose all the 1kg I have put on so far and more! 

So yeah - these are the 2 main incidents and there are many more - like people calling you to tell you they want to buy something from you at this price and they will be here the next day at this time. Not only do they not turn up but they also try all their might to avoid you. Unbelievable how irresponsible they are. If you don't want it anymore, just say so. 


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