Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In case you don't know what CIQ is, it's the Bangunan Sultan Ismail in Johor Bahru - in short, the customs & immigration of Malaysia before you go into Singapore by road. And yes boy do I HATE IT!

I never liked it the first time I set my eyes upon it and much less when I started using it for my trips home when I was overseas. To me, that is the MOST STUPID piece of architecture. It is not user friendly in anyway at all! It's just a pure piece of rubbish! But ever since I started traveling between JB and Singapore, I am convinced that not only that piece of rubbish is (fill with the worst word you can describe a building & the person who designed, approved and built that place), I am also super convinced that Malaysia's side of the Causeway is the worst ever! Malaysian government, knock knock, anybody home? WAKE THE HELL UP! Open up your eyes!!! What a shame!!!!!

Every morning, every single morning (Monday mornings is another story altogether) - the jam is unbelievable. The causeway is clear - only AFTER you have passed the Malaysian half. A very quick and nice journey which will not take more than 1 hour 10-15min (taking the heavy traffic in Singapore into consideration already) from JB house to Singapore office will take me no less than 2 hours! The jam at the customs is horrible and it's all because of ONE (YES ONE!) bottle neck at the Malaysian half of the Causeway - for God's sakes, you built the bloody structure, all of it, with tax payer's money so why oh why can't we have 2 lanes all the way! It's because of 2 lanes merging into 1 lane that's causing the jam! Once we get out of that bottle neck, the rest of the drive is plain pleasant, a breathe of fresh air. Another vote to Singapore! Shame on you Malaysia!

Monday mornings are another story altogether. I leave house at 5.45am and I actually get to office only at 8.45am - leaving house 45 minutes earlier and getting to work 30-45minutes later than usual. People who thought about this and designed this idiotic structure - I beg you to travel on it in the mornings, during the rush hour. Please experience this for yourself. Don't travel on it during non-peak and tell us that it's fine. That's unfair and that's not the real picture. Be real.

One last thing before I forget, please build a special lane for our dear motorcyclist. What they are doing now, riding amongst the cars in a already very narrow 2 lane causeway (Malaysian half of course) is extremely dangerous. It won't cost you too much to protect your citizens - it's OUR money anyway so why you bother?



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