Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Best of both worlds

Whee! I won't have to change my flight (and pay an additional USD50) PLUS I'll get to attend the interview too! I didn't manage to speak to him on the phone but he replied my email and interview will be tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm in Bugis. It's like so so near where I stayed last week when I visited. It's 5 minutes walk! Man, should have sent my application before I visited Singapore last week. Procrastinated that's why....sigh.....If I had not procrastinate then I wouldn't have to tell the hiring manager "sorry, cannot Friday ah"

I went to the company's website and saw the hiring manager's picture....ermm....scared and nervous leh after seeing his picture. I also saw the picture of a girl in that position I applied for - I wonder if they are expanding or if this girl is leaving (left) the company. But whatever it is, get any job first it or not we'll decide later. At least with a job, I can take my time to look for a better job if I don't like this one. Speaking like the job's mine! Hahahaha.....

Anyway wish me luck! Knowing that I have a job waiting for me (if I do get it) makes everything looks more hopeful and less stressful.

**I must stop blogging now because I'm not making any sense.....if anybody can make any sense of the above, give yourself a big round of applause.


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