Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Do you know I'm going to India on 8th October for a week? Attending a girlfriend's wedding and am so glad she's having her wedding there, honestly, coz hubby has already laid out very clearly that he's going to stay clear of India for the next 2 years. He claims that India is a 3rd world country and he's had enough of it for awhile. But BAM! he has no choice but to go (or not) now =p

The only problem now is I am paying for 2 persons while all my other friends are not that restricted by money or they are only paying for themselves. Don't forget I have a house husband at the moment so every single cent makes a lot of difference for me. The married ones have commitments split 2 and single ones - they have commitments within their means. My commitments and bills are x2 with 1 miserable salary. Anyway, the girls are going for the tour packages which will cost SGD700-1000 per pax. Multiply it by 2 and that will be my cost ontop of flight tickets, expenditures AND visa fees. NO WAY! There is no way I will be able to sign up with them. I have no choice but to come up with my own plans now. So messy!

It is very disappointing but there is only so much I can stretch myself, not to forget we have spent so much to come back from Kenya and we have extremely limited cash on hand. I have decided if worst comes to worst, I will cut my losses and forgo the trip totally. In any case, I might lose the whole $$ I paid for the tickets but that's it! No other costs anymore. And then I can book myself and hubby to some other place instead. I made myself clear in the email but seems like everybody has chosen not to see what I have written.


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