Monday, November 29, 2010

Flea's over!

3 days of tough job - special thanks to my hubby - at the Mega Flea @ Singapore Expo, it's finally back to my normal routine. Flea's really not easy so my respect to those flea kings and queens! Kudos!

Results -'s ok not very good really. And this is also when I realised I'm really a newbie in this scene. Every single vendor and I literally mean every single one of them are professionals! They are not just any normal vendor like me - joining a flea just because I own an online biz and trying to create awareness. These people are actually running the flea market scene. Most of them have a push-cart somewhere, some have their own stall in some mall and there are even those who goes around putting stalls in markets! They come equipped with their own racks, mannequins, showcases, wagons etc! Gosh - I felt so small there. They are so quick and nimble when they put up their display. Hubby said mine looked like pasar malam! I might have the least number of products there and I took, likely, the longest time to set up because I just couldn't figure how to display my items. 

And being a vendor is no easy task. There are a lot of unspoken rule to adhere to. It is also a very taxing and labourous job - 12 hours a day, standing most of the time, and then packing up at the end of it just to unpack and put them on display again the next day. You are only given 30min to do all that. 

Whatever it is, instead of feeling beaten, I'm feeling all the more that this is what I wanna do - running the flea market scene in Singapore. I'm glad that I did not have to fork out rental for my stall since my revenue surpassed my rental but there definitely wasn't any profit in it for me this time. It's an experience which I'll never get just being a shopper and watch how people do it. Certain experiences come only if you do it yourself - just get down and get dirty. And I'm lucky that hubby is damn supportive about it - he actually is encouraging me to keep attending these fleas, not to give up. He's also agreeable that we should start investing in racks etc. He's given me really good ideas to take home - ie for me to really think about. 

It's a long way for me and lots of work needs to be done before I really can join the ranks of the other vendors I met during this flea. There are a lot to consider and think about as well. Can foresee that the coming weeks will be very busy with my business - strategizing etc but at the same time, I cannot stop my daily routine and updating Can see some really tough times ahead which will require a lot of discipline and sacrifices but come, throw it at me, I'm damn fucking ready for it!


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