Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

To my Muslim readers (if I have any) Selamat Hari Raya! 

Got back our passports today - our Indian visa done! That one visa took up 2 pages of my passport!!! Grrrr....not like I care coz I don't think I'll be traveling much now anyway. *sigh* But another interesting visa in my passport heh. Now I have visas to Sudan, Kenya, Dubai and India. =p I love flipping through my current and the last passports - so full of memories, colours and experiences from my travels.

Coming to an end of my week long rest. Bitter sweet really. I'm glad to go back to work coz I'm almost bored to death. I really wonder how I got through Kenya - not working for 2 years! But I'm also feeling super moodless when I think about going back to work in that company, that job. yucks! Hang in there girl! It is paying the bills!


MinnieMoose said...

r u sure it's the company n not the country?

Ann said...

not possible lah the country since i'm only there for like 10 hours???

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