Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last day

With all the buzz around me since I came back to Kenya 3 weeks ago, I am writing for the last time from Kenya. This is the last full day I have in Kenya - we'll be flying out at 2pm local time tomorrow. Hmmm... 2 years....I arrived 1st May 2008 and leaving 30th April 2010. 2 years of my life here - can't help but feeling emotional. It has been, after-all, apart of me. It has been where I have called home and it is where I started my own family. So yes, no matter how much I complain about this place (stupid drivers, portholes everywhere, no electricity) etc, I have come to realise that I do feel rather sad leaving this place. Could my friend be right after all? He said everyone he knows who has left Africa ends up missing this place. Before, I was very sure that I won't miss this place apart from the weather and the nature. But I am not so sure now.....this place does hold a certain charm after all.

Staying at our friend's for two nights. We have officially moved out of our apartment - totally empty when we left - we gave all the small stuffs away to the guard and gardeners of our compound. Another sad sight coz I have never seen the apartment empty, ever. When I came the very first time, hubby already had some pieces of furniture in the house. I doubt he has ever seen the apartment empty himself.

On the high note, I have unofficially 2 job offers which I am considering. One's a new job and more relevant to CFP and the other, with my ex-beloved-employer. Most people are inclined towards me accepting the latter, which I'd think I will accept if offered. No matter what, it is what I'm familiar with and not as sleazy. 

Signing out for the last time from Kenya. 

Over and out....


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