Monday, April 12, 2010

Final weeks in Kenya - almost time to say goodbye

Back in Nairobi (Friday, 09 April) after spending 3 weeks back home. It's been a good trip on both personal and career/professional level. Managed to squeeze in an interview the day before my flight and it went well. Waiting for them to get back to me if I get shortlisted for the final 4. From there, they will choose 1. There are a couple of issues we need to straighten out about the job as well so we'll see.

Only 18 days to go before we're packing up and leaving the place I've called home for the past 2 years for good. I leave on exactly on the 730th day since I stepped foot in Nairobi and called the city home. As I pack up our belongings (yes I have started packing), memories started coming back. This place has both bitter and sweet memories - this place also changed my life, in a way. Although I'm glad to be leaving Kenya, I'm also feeling sad because I'm leaving. It's so hard to describe. Looking back I think only Moscow made me feel close to how I am feeling now - not exactly, just similar. I think I am feeling more sadness leaving here than Moscow - those who knows me well will know why I'm sad about going back =)

Anyway, looking forward to the change back home. Nervous for sure but it'll definitely be for the better. Argh I should continue packing and stop slacking!!!


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