Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Choices choices choices - coincidence coincidence coincidence...STRESS!

I got an interview! So happy but then again stress....not because I have to go through the whole process of being interviewed again but because the hiring manager has asked me to be interviewed on Friday, the same day I'm supposed to catch my flight back to Nairobi! Gosh!

He tried calling me but seeing that we've already progressed into the afternoon, I changed my Singapore number out and in with my Malaysian number and he missed me by THAT much.....sigh....but I have to say he was nice enough to even bother to write me an email asking if I'm available for a short interview this week and that's when he suggested Friday. I replied asking if Thursday is alright instead coz I'll be out for a short trip on Friday - should have added I can change my flight if it's not convenient for him KLUTZ! - and I also asked if it will be in the office or over the phone coz he never mentioned and I didn't want to assume. You might think "DUH of course in the office" and yes, I know that's the norm but I just want to be sure and maybe also to give him the idea that phone interview might also work =p Hmmm...I wonder if he knows that I'm a Malaysian and if he does employ me, he will have to get me a work permit....

This is a good company and coincidentally (like as if there isn't enough coincidence already) it is a DANISH company. *waves hands in the air* what is it with me and Danes???

I have told hubby the news - he is torn between the two - me going back later (possibility) and possibility of me getting the job but of course no matter how much he misses me, we both know that the interview is the most important, hands down. I dunno if I should write another email to the hiring manager to reinforce what I have written earlier cz I don't wanna sound desperate but I also don't want him to have a bad impression of me even before meeting me.


MinnieMoose said...

:S blur..
dun udnerstand
so what is the conclusion? are you gonna change your ticket again?

Ann said...

nope...not changing - will be going as planned....see new post. btw, lemme know when she's supposed to be home so that i can decide to go house first or interview first

MinnieMoose said...

she's back around noon...

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