Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

So what did you do from 8.30pm to 9.30pm yesterday (your local time)? Did you switch of all lights (including your laptop even if it runs on reserve battery power) in support of Earth Hour? Did your friends or people around you do that too?

Honestly and very shamefully, I did not. None of the houses on my street did too. I would have but my mum didn't allow it. Reason? Too dark - will invite thieves. Er mum??!??? Are you serious? But anyway, she says no who am I to say yes? In my little hometown, I didn't see anyone doing it at all although I had lots of friends participated. Of course I didn't venture far enough to confirm that NOBODY at all participated but from the journey between my grandma's and my house and a restaurant some 15 minutes away from my house - I didn't see any. What a waste...

But I am proud of KLCC (read Twin Towers of Malaysia) - they were actually in the dark for the full hour! Cool!!!

Well I hope you did your part. I know I didn't....


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