Monday, September 13, 2010

Resident Evil 3D

Resident Evil opened in JB on 10th Sept (I thought 9th but hubby insisted it's 10th, whatever) and we couldn't get tickets for both 3D version and non-3D version all weekend! Wow...people, really?? Managed to catch it after all on Saturday but in Singapore - paid SGD28 for 2 tickets for it. Damn! It would have cost us RM42 for 2 in Malaysia!!

Verdict: Good for 3D and action. Not as good story wise if compared to the previous installments. Wentworth Miller - breaking out of prison AGAIN.

If all you want is 3D effects, I will recomment Step Up. We saw the trailer before Resident Evil started - damn good. Super 3D. I expect that to cost less also coz if I am not mistaken, the normal 3D ticket price is RM18 (RM21 for box office movies).


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