Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time of the month

*cough cough* It's really the time of the month....THAT TIME......Feeling so uncomfortable. Sometimes I really do think that it's a good idea to get pregnant then I'm free from THAT time for 9 whole months! But then again, after giving birth, I'll be in THAT time of the month for 3 whole months! Gosh, who wants to be bleeding for 3 full months? Crazy.....

But anyways, been really cranky these couple of days. No thanks to THAT time of the month. It always happen. I remember Gie telling Nelson "females are only normal for 2 weeks of every month, after that all the hormonal mess up starts all over again" So true....words of the wise *puke puke*

Am pretty proud of myself! Yay! Been working my ass off on Nelanz - updating the products and stuff. Have you seen it lately? Beautiful.....but no sales so far. Why?!? >.< Readers....wanna support me a little ( )??? I promise excellent and tip top quality......guarantee! I have been sleeping at mid-night the past 2 days working on updating the products even though I have to wake up at 5am. So I really am putting a lot of hard work into it....Oh and by the way, if any of my readers are interested in joining Nelanz's mailing list, please comment on this post OR if you are more interested in receiving updates on children's apparels, send me your email address as well so that I can include you in my mailing list. Lil' Pixies (children's apparels website) is not yet running so am sending out new products via email. Lil' Pixies deal only with popular brand apparels like Osh Kosh, Baby Gap, Nike, Zara, Gymboree etc.

Aiks....time to go back to work. It's 8.42am now but I start at 8am (coz I wanna leave at 4.30pm!) demotivated to work. HATE my job right now. Honestly, I have never hated my job before (ok I have said it before but never actually hated it till now) but right now, I finally understood what it means by I HATE MY JOB. GOSH!


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