Friday, September 24, 2010

Flea market DONE!

Another item ticked off my list for Nelanz and if I'm not wrong, this is the last. Oh no, actually there is one more item on my list not done. I need to follow up on that *reminds self* Got my stall location's confirmation just a few moments ago for an upcoming flea market event in November. Another SGD300+++ gone :'( but it's OK, awareness awareness awareness and it's business right? I will have sales on that day too!

In case anyone's interested (pom pom for support anyone?):

Date: 26 - 28 November 2010
Venue: Singapore Expo
Event: The Mega Flea Market 3
Time: 10am - 10pm

If anybody's interested in getting a stall there, please let me know. Will pass you the organizer's details.

So excited!!! It's like I'm doing so many things for Nelanz in such a short span of time. Just hope it's not money down the drain *pray pray pray*


MinnieMoose said...


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