Thursday, April 15, 2010

Busy but still have enough time to be pissed

Yes I am pissed! Pissed pissed pissed! Even when I'm almost leaving, the Kenyans can't leave me something good about them to remember - they have to yet again prove to me that it's a right choice to leave this idiotic country. Totally no sense or responsibility and ownership.....including professionals! Urgh! I am so pissed I don't even wanna talk about it now. Watch for next post....

So busy packing! Don't even know where to start - am now packing for flea market this Saturday then will have open house all of next week for neighbours in the same compound to come pick the left-overs then we'll see what's left. I have totally no idea what we'll do with left-overs. Won't be bringing much in LCL because hubby came back with one quotation and it costs whopping USD510/cbm not including local charges at destination! OMG.....*faint* I had 17cbm from Italy to Kenya and trust me that is NOT a I took 20cbm and we end up with USD10,200!!!! *faint faint faint* Waiting for another company to come on Tuesday for pre-removal survey.


Anonymous said...

How could you leave such a great country! After all the greatest man who ever lived was born there.

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