Monday, October 4, 2010

Freaky - Creepy!

I am feeling so much uneasiness today!! Everybody, please be careful in whatever you do ok? Woke up feeling really uneasy and just can't pinpoint what might happen, to who or where. I just know that it's the bad kind of uneasiness. I couldn't focus while driving to work this morning (thank God nothing happened and I arrived as safe as any other day) because this uneasiness just wouldn't leave me alone.

Me feeling tired isn't helping either because that just means I lagi cannot concentrate. Instead of waking up at 4.45am, I got woken up at 4am instead coz MIL's god-daughter called. She's pregnant and supposed to be due only on 17th of Nov but she was already spotting this morning. Being in the highly dangerous zone (she's 40+, pregnant with her first child) and almost totally alone in Johor (relatives in Perak), she only has my MIL to turn to. When I left home, that was all I got to know from my MIL but later on, got to know she was admitted already. Latest is mother and child are both healthy. =)

The irony is that we have just met her for dinner at ours last night. It was a farewell dinner for her cum birthday dinner for my SIL. She was actually planning to go back to her hubby (oh yeah did I mention her hubby is in Perak?) on Sunday but I guess the baby really doesn't want to be born there? Gonna go see baby tonight! Hahahaha.....wonder how now? I doubt the baby can travel the distance and she has to do her confinement in JB instead? I know MIL has her hands full with her now, maybe until her relatives/hubby arrive. Eat out tonight! YES!

Totally unrelated - tomorrow's the day! Nelanz Store @ 35 Haji Lane! So excited and soooo kan cheong. Hope it will go well. sigh.....


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