Sunday, November 7, 2010

Long weekend - almost over

Oh why oh why... it was Deepavali on Friday so a long weekend and short working week but time seems to fly. It's past mid-night - Sunday right now. My weekend's over!!!! Waaaaaaaaa!!!!! BUT it's ok - I have a short and busy week next (or rather this) week at work.

Monday - 11am gonna meet someone from the recruitment agency to kickstart my job hunting process. Tuesday morning I have a vessel tour which will take up 1/2 day. Wednesday - erm.....oh right, gonna go get my X-ray done. Thursday gonna leave work early coz catching my flight to KL, Friday full day KL then flight back to JB. Then my weekend starts. Heh. Before I know it, the weekend's over AGAIN!

Then the week after, another short week. We have a day off in the middle of the week - Haj. Saturday's Low Bear's wedding whereby I'm gonna be meeting hubby's ex for the very first time. Weekend after next is flea weekend! Another short week - taken Friday and following Monday off. Then then then boss's gonna be away for 8 days! Hahahaha......taa daaaaaaa......

Busy busy year end.


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