Friday, March 19, 2010

Mombasa and more...

Yup, it has taken me a long time to write this entry plainly because I have been procrastinating. It's also because of Apple's fault - there are only 2 USB ports on my MBP! Who the hell makes only 2 USB ports on any laptops now! At least 3 c'mon Apple! So anyway, when my laptop is switched on, the Internet will be too - so I have one port for my mouse and another for my modem. Where else am I going to find another for my camera? I finally remembered to do it when hubby was using the modem. Sigh....

So our trip to Mombasa was super lovely. Short weekend and a very tedious drive granted but it was all worth it (no more driving there though unless weekday) The drive was, in general, OK - it was a long long long straight road. You just need to worry about trucks and your fuel level. The road condition was lovely. But the wait for the ferry to take you from Mombasa city to South Coast was horrible. We traveled on a Saturday to South Coast and we waited in line for 4 hours to get on the ferry! It was albeit being stuck in a traffic jam because you are waiting in line with the other vehicles on an everyday road. But on a weekday, it's fine - nothing more than 30 minutes back. Hell, we didn't even have to wait 15 minutes! So yeah, if you're planning a trip to Mombasa, make sure you go and come back on a weekday. Or better yet, FLY!

My worst experience would have to be when we were running out of fuel on that stretch of long empty road. Our fuel indicator actually started showing and there wasn't anything let alone town in sight! Actually, wait a minute, we did pass a few little villages and they didn't have anything to offer us! When we finally got to a decent town and saw our usual gas brand, we couldn't stop praising the Lord BUT BUT BUT - again, only in Africa, they ran out of fuel! Another super long stretch of nothingness but thank goodness we were near Mombasa and we know we just have to make it there which we did eventually. Thank God! Hallelujah! I tell you, I was super super edgy - hubby tried his best to take my mind off the indicator but all I could tell him was not to speak to me for now coz I'm too stressed with the level of fuel we have.

When we finally got our fuel tank filled, another problem loomed - we had a cracked water tank! Yikes! Uh huh - one problem after the other....a serious one too if you think about it. Cracked water tank means it cannot hold water which means radiator might heat up especially if you're traveling long distances which means the engine might just say Goodbye which means we might be stuck in Mombasa or worse yet, in the middle of no where! OK calm down calm down....what do we do??? We just gotta make sure we watch the temperature all the time and make sure the radiator is filled to its brim, hubby said. It worked! Honestly, I wasn't as worried as I was when the fuel indicator came on.....The worst is over.....

We chose a really good resort - I was very pleased with it although the food was a disappointment. Everything about the resort was just right. The views, the rooms, the people etc etc. Great weekend I tell you. I strongly recommend The Nomad at Sands to whoever who is thinking of visiting. Definitely will return if I have the chance to. We got there late so by the time we got checked in and ready for dinner, it was already 6pm. Hubby headed straight for the Internet room and then shower which means dinner was at 9pm. But it was fine....dinner by the beach - sound of the waves, perfect lighting, not-so-perfect food but who cares?! We're on a holiday! The other thing about Mombasa is that it's at sea level, unlike Nairobi which is 2000+ metres above sea level, so it's very tropical just like in Malaysia. The heat, I can stand but the humidity? Damn.....I felt sticky all the time! No glue for stamps on your postcard? No get them from free from your body!

But I was able to look beyond that and enjoy myself to the fullest - so just imagine how beautiful and relaxing this place is. Early night - of course after the long day. We woke up early the next day - hubby couldn't wait to jump into the sea. So yeah, we got down for a swim at 10/11am and man the water was HOT! But hey, we've swam in the Indian Ocean before! Have you now? =p We stayed will maybe noon and then shifted to the pool. Sunbathing and pool and a glass of fresh pineapple juice....uh huh....hehehe.....heave ain't it? It was 4pm before we finally had lunch and it was just lazing till 10.30pm for a round of drinks at the bar. No dinner even! Then it was time to head home =( Hubby still missed it a week after....he told me the Sunday after "Imagine - we were swimming in the sea this time last week"... Yes darling, but uh....wake up!

Anyway, it's only 2 days before I board the plane. Yup - I'm heading home. Bye bye Kenya (technically, not yet coz I'll be back in 2 weeks or thereabouts to help hubby pack and move) Yes, this time it's leaving for good. Will still be back often but will not stay. It's just going to be Touch and Go from now on to deliver goods to my customers.


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