Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Surprising email

I came in the office to this email in my inbox from my boss:

"During my coaching call with Mr Boss (his boss), he has noticed your performance - IMAN & XMAN (import and export performance), on top of the recent wins you have secured for XXX and XXX. Keep it up and now I want you to think about how to package yourself in one wholesome manner. Think about it along these few pointers:

1) What are your recent 5 achievements since you have joined us some 3 months ago?
2) What are your challenges and how you overcome/mitigate them?
3) What will be your next few milestones that you are expected to achieve?

Take this opportunity to showcase yourself before 31st Dec (performance end year appraisal) and it will make it easy for me to upsell you!"


I still don't enjoy my job =p


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