Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekend!!!! YAY!

The weekend! Finally!! My weekend officially started at 11.30am today - that's when I finally sent my MD back to the office and detached myself from him after 2 days of making him my best friend. A lot of my friends wondered when I said my weekend started officially at 11.30am that I'm on half day. No I'm not - it just feels like weekend after the 2 days with him. And Fridays are usually very quiet plus we leave office 30mins earlier anyway. So I guess those are more than enough to justify my claim right?

What am I going to do this weekend....? Hmmm...Oh Nelanz, of course. What else. But I think hubby has other plans (read ice skating in Kallang). Whatever it is, I'm gonna have to rest well. Been handling the daily travel better. I think I'm getting used to waking up at that sort of ungodly hour so it doesn't feel so torturous anymore. And I have a resolution - I HAVE TO START DOING REAL SALES FROM NEXT WEEK ON! Hahahah yah, been slacking man. Been staying indoors only for the past 2 weeks except these past 2 days when I actually met 2 customers.

Oh and for some reason, I put on 1kg!!! GOD!! NO!!! That increases the total of kilos piled since I came back to 2.5kg!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally have no idea where that extra kilo came from ok. I mean I take my normal heavy breakfast (I do that even in Kenya) everyday at 7am then I have nothing else (maybe a cup of milo in between) then just dinner! Not a lot of dinner too. Small rice. Maybe too much dishes. Hmmm.....gotta just live on bread for awhile now.....SO SAD!!! My thighs are like HUGE now! WHY ME?!?!?!?!


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