Sunday, April 4, 2010


I have only posted one entry since I came back to Malaysia? What? Are you serious? Sorry sorry - totally forgotten all about my blog huh? What have I been up to - hmm - let's see.....NOTHING! Muahahaha... honestly, nothing. I have applied a couple of jobs here and there but that's about it. Oh of course I have sold quite a number of pieces of clothes from Nelanz Store. My sleeping patterns have become really erratic - I am still keeping to Nairobi's sleeping and waking hour. I have to pat myself on the back for this. Quite an achievement huh? =p

It's almost time for me to fly back to Nairobi. Have booked my tickets for coming Friday. Going back for 2 weeks ++ then will come back with hubby for good (figure of speech coz I don't wish to be back in this part of the world for good). 


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