Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another milestone?

Will this be a new milestone for Nelanz? We are considering of renting a tiny space for Nelanz in a shop in Singapore. This shop is already renting rack space to 6 other blog shops and Nelanz has been approached to join their "family"

Things to do:
1) Do I have to employ sales/shopkeeper for my stuff?
2) Rental?
3) Agreement?
4) Traffic
5) Location
6) Business times
7) A lot of calculation to see if workable

If all in my favour then it will be a very exciting milestone for Nelanz and who knows, it could finally mean a new start for Nelanz!

Should I or should I not bother?? Will update you guys once I have taken a look at the premise. I tried searching online - the shop front didn't look too interesting, also the operating hours (2pm to 9pm)


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