Thursday, August 5, 2010

For once....

For once the Malaysian government actually give a hoot about us, the poor citizens who have to buy Singaporean registered car. The government passed a mandate that will not allow Singaporean registered cars to fill their tanks with government subsidized petrol. Instead they have to fill it up with non-subsidized petrol like the V-Power, for example.

We, Malaysians, who HAVE to (YES, there are people like us who doesn't have any choice) drive Singapore registered vehicles end up suffering. Although Malaysians, but we are penalized all the same.  But thank goodness, yesterday the government acknowledge that issue and now, all Malaysian nationales who drives foreign registered vehicles will still be allowed to pump subsidized petrol! Wheeee!!! MUACKS MUACKS! Love ya! Hahahaha.....

Anyway, yeah, I pumped a day of expensive petrol and now I'm back to pumping Ron95!


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