Monday, August 30, 2010

Start of another week

Weekends are just not long enough! We slog so long just to get to the weekend and it ends just like that. So unfair! Malaysia's having fun this week - actually KL and Penang. They had a day off on Friday and National Day's on Tuesday so anybody who takes today off will have a damn good weekend. *Jealous*

Had a small birthday celebration on Saturday with hubby and 6 of his friends. Nothing special - had drinks at the sports cafe and had 2 birthday cakes (3kg in total)! Tomorrow's my actual birthday. Again, nothing has been planned - it's a working day anyway but my mother in law mentioned something about asking my brother in law and some of her friends over. She'll do the cooking. Food again...urgh! Do you know that I have put on like 1-1.5kg over the weekend alone? Hate it!


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