Monday, August 16, 2010

3D or no 3D

Watched The Last Airbender with hubby last week. We were so excited that for once we'll be watching it in 3D and not a cartoon too! But sigh...disappointment. We paid RM7 more than the usual price of the ticket and it's not worth a single cent. My advice - do not watch The Last Airbender in 3D!!! 

Watching movies in 3D is such a torture - really...and literally. Your eyes get so tired you start tearing (well, I did) and at the end of the whole movie, I felt like my stomach was turning upside down. Actually, halfway through the movie, I actually took my glasses off and watched it with my naked eyes. Well I don't think I'll recommend that if you're watching other 3D movies but you can with The Last Airbender because that's how "good" (read bad) the 3D effect is! Hubby said the best 3D effect in the movie is actually the subtitles and that too was done in/by Malaysia!

Having said that, I do recommend watching the upcoming Narnia is 3D though. The effect is beautiful - caught the trailer before Airbender started. Can't wait to torture my eyes AGAIN!


Anlynn said...

its going to be a trilogy!

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