Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Post Christmas Mortem

Christmas this year was.......B.O.R.I.N.G!!! We went out - hubby arranged a lot and put in a lot of effort so THANK YOU! On the eve, we went to Bar Banyan to meet his friends but apart from 3 whom we know, the rest are KIDS (aged below 25 but definitely above 20). The topics were boring.

Christmas day was ok - better. Hubby arranged a surprise movie then we had simple dinner before proceeding to his childhood friend's place with 2 bottles of wine. We (2 couple) drank till 4am! It was a simple affair no doubt but it's quality time spent. Shit I'm getting old.....darn!

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary. No expectations because of our financial situation, we agreed to keep it simple. As simple as wishing each other Happy Anniversary only. To my surprise, when I got in the car in the morning, I found a card sitting on my dashboard! I was like damn I really took him literally and have not prepared anything! Not even a card. Had to make do with whatever card I found in Singapore which was like a set of 5 Disney postcards which had stuff like I love you, I can't take my eyes off you, etc on it. Did my best and waaa laaa! A very different and unusual card for my hubby. Hahahahaha.....

Got him a message cookie also. I think it's oatmeal cookie with I Luv You on it. Then I bought him a book - I would have got him that book anyway coz he told me to. Can only find it in Singapore. But anyways, I passed that off as a prezzie. Then then the best part - I arranged dinner at TGIF for us. Lied to him - told him it's actually a dinner and drink session with Shankz and Lee. Of course, they didn't turn up. He only found out at the restaurant when the waiter asked how many pax. Should have seen his expression when I said 2! HAHAHAHAHHA.....good dinner all in all. Quality time spent again and c'mon lah you can never go wrong with TGIF! Only I found out in the process that not many people agrees with me - they think TGIF's food so-so and totally overpriced. I might agree to overprice part but heck cares!


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