Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Extremely tired today leh...didn't sleep extraordinarily late last night but am so tired today and can't wait to go home. Am just worried about work.

Colleagues (sales department) were all on time and was all there by 9am. Buck took the lead to sing me a birthday song IN the office and in front of everybody! I could only lie on my desk and hide my face! =) Damn fun in a way lah...HAHAHAHAHA I also got a card from all my team mates.

But the real surprise for now (I don't think there will be more but just to reserve some leeway) - noon - is the appearance of John Lim in the office!! He's back for his home-leave. I over heard Paul's teleconversation, I believe from the receptionist and I believe Paul spoke up on purpose, that John's at the reception area. He got a shock himself when he saw me - he didn't know I was back with Maersk you see and the first thing he did is to get hubby's phone number from me. Could only tell him that hubby doesn't have any phone at the moment.

Heard from John also that Hew went for appendicitis removal and has just been discharged. I hope to call him today but most likely tomorrow. Just call and see how he's doing but weird - why hasn't anybody told me? I mean I have emailed Elaine and Ivy recently so why hasn't anybody mentioned anything in the emails?


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