Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Extremely tired today leh...didn't sleep extraordinarily late last night but am so tired today and can't wait to go home. Am just worried about work.

Colleagues (sales department) were all on time and was all there by 9am. Buck took the lead to sing me a birthday song IN the office and in front of everybody! I could only lie on my desk and hide my face! =) Damn fun in a way lah...HAHAHAHAHA I also got a card from all my team mates.

But the real surprise for now (I don't think there will be more but just to reserve some leeway) - noon - is the appearance of John Lim in the office!! He's back for his home-leave. I over heard Paul's teleconversation, I believe from the receptionist and I believe Paul spoke up on purpose, that John's at the reception area. He got a shock himself when he saw me - he didn't know I was back with Maersk you see and the first thing he did is to get hubby's phone number from me. Could only tell him that hubby doesn't have any phone at the moment.

Heard from John also that Hew went for appendicitis removal and has just been discharged. I hope to call him today but most likely tomorrow. Just call and see how he's doing but weird - why hasn't anybody told me? I mean I have emailed Elaine and Ivy recently so why hasn't anybody mentioned anything in the emails?

Start of a new era

Happy birthday Malaysia and most of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm entering a brand new era with my new age (don't even ask) although age is only yet another number. What will this age mean to me? I mean apart from hitting 1 million bucks in my bank account and have kids, what else have I not done? Actually, sad to say, loads.

Resolutions? Uh....excuse me, resolutions are for New Year not birthday! Doink.....birthday wishes? Lots! Really a lot! Of course the main ones health, happiness and wealth. Hehehehe although the sequence might not be that =p

No celebrations lah....."special" dinner tonight at home. O....K.....Hubby left a birthday card on the dashboard last night. Hmm...what can I say? I'm surprised at reaction...'nuff said.

12 more minutes to the official start of my work day. I'm feeling so very tired.....not enough sleep. I must must must make it a point to sleep by 10.30pm LATEST tonight. Have been sleeping real late past couple of nights trying to finish up the TV series I'm following on my laptop. Story is getting super interesting and very kan cheong. But must get hubby to go DVD hunting with me this weekend for more series.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Start of another week

Weekends are just not long enough! We slog so long just to get to the weekend and it ends just like that. So unfair! Malaysia's having fun this week - actually KL and Penang. They had a day off on Friday and National Day's on Tuesday so anybody who takes today off will have a damn good weekend. *Jealous*

Had a small birthday celebration on Saturday with hubby and 6 of his friends. Nothing special - had drinks at the sports cafe and had 2 birthday cakes (3kg in total)! Tomorrow's my actual birthday. Again, nothing has been planned - it's a working day anyway but my mother in law mentioned something about asking my brother in law and some of her friends over. She'll do the cooking. Food again...urgh! Do you know that I have put on like 1-1.5kg over the weekend alone? Hate it!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time of the month

*cough cough* It's really the time of the month....THAT TIME......Feeling so uncomfortable. Sometimes I really do think that it's a good idea to get pregnant then I'm free from THAT time for 9 whole months! But then again, after giving birth, I'll be in THAT time of the month for 3 whole months! Gosh, who wants to be bleeding for 3 full months? Crazy.....

But anyways, been really cranky these couple of days. No thanks to THAT time of the month. It always happen. I remember Gie telling Nelson "females are only normal for 2 weeks of every month, after that all the hormonal mess up starts all over again" So true....words of the wise *puke puke*

Am pretty proud of myself! Yay! Been working my ass off on Nelanz - updating the products and stuff. Have you seen it lately? Beautiful.....but no sales so far. Why?!? >.< Readers....wanna support me a little (www.nelanz.com )??? I promise excellent and tip top quality......guarantee! I have been sleeping at mid-night the past 2 days working on updating the products even though I have to wake up at 5am. So I really am putting a lot of hard work into it....Oh and by the way, if any of my readers are interested in joining Nelanz's mailing list, please comment on this post OR if you are more interested in receiving updates on children's apparels, send me your email address as well so that I can include you in my mailing list. Lil' Pixies (children's apparels website) is not yet running so am sending out new products via email. Lil' Pixies deal only with popular brand apparels like Osh Kosh, Baby Gap, Nike, Zara, Gymboree etc.

Aiks....time to go back to work. It's 8.42am now but I start at 8am (coz I wanna leave at 4.30pm!) Sigh...so demotivated to work. HATE my job right now. Honestly, I have never hated my job before (ok I have said it before but never actually hated it till now) but right now, I finally understood what it means by I HATE MY JOB. GOSH!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekend!!!! YAY!

The weekend! Finally!! My weekend officially started at 11.30am today - that's when I finally sent my MD back to the office and detached myself from him after 2 days of making him my best friend. A lot of my friends wondered when I said my weekend started officially at 11.30am that I'm on half day. No I'm not - it just feels like weekend after the 2 days with him. And Fridays are usually very quiet plus we leave office 30mins earlier anyway. So I guess those are more than enough to justify my claim right?

What am I going to do this weekend....? Hmmm...Oh Nelanz, of course. What else. But I think hubby has other plans (read ice skating in Kallang). Whatever it is, I'm gonna have to rest well. Been handling the daily travel better. I think I'm getting used to waking up at that sort of ungodly hour so it doesn't feel so torturous anymore. And I have a resolution - I HAVE TO START DOING REAL SALES FROM NEXT WEEK ON! Hahahah yah, been slacking man. Been staying indoors only for the past 2 weeks except these past 2 days when I actually met 2 customers.

Oh and for some reason, I put on 1kg!!! GOD!! NO!!! That increases the total of kilos piled since I came back to 2.5kg!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally have no idea where that extra kilo came from ok. I mean I take my normal heavy breakfast (I do that even in Kenya) everyday at 7am then I have nothing else (maybe a cup of milo in between) then just dinner! Not a lot of dinner too. Small rice. Maybe too much dishes. Hmmm.....gotta just live on bread for awhile now.....SO SAD!!! My thighs are like HUGE now! WHY ME?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Long Thurs & Fri

Well, usually I'll be super excited that it's Thursday tomorrow but not this week. I'm gonna dread everything from tomorrow up to noon Friday. To be fair, only 1-2 hours tomorrow at lunch and 2 hours on Friday from 9am. 

Our MD is coming to Singapore tomorrow and has arranged for lunch with a customer. My boss, as usual, has taiji-ed the lunch meeting to me since the customer belongs to me. Problem is the two who will be attending are people of my MD's level and I have never ever met them before, ever! Can you imagine how torturous it will be? I wonder how long I can last before I sit like an idiot and spoil whatever chance I have of making an impression to the big boss in hope for a big at increment and promotion. Urgh! Not like I like this guy - he's the MD from Kenya so Nelson and I do know him before he came to Malaysia. 

On Friday, again our same friend.....gotta take him to a customer's. Not sure why but my boss has been pushing me to get at least an appointment for him. Why me?!? So I end up being stuck with him for lunch on Thursday and a client's meeting on Friday. Dread dread dread......YUCKS! 

God, please just let's skip tomorrow and fast forward to Friday evening can?

Monday, August 16, 2010

3D or no 3D

Watched The Last Airbender with hubby last week. We were so excited that for once we'll be watching it in 3D and not a cartoon too! But sigh...disappointment. We paid RM7 more than the usual price of the ticket and it's not worth a single cent. My advice - do not watch The Last Airbender in 3D!!! 

Watching movies in 3D is such a torture - really...and literally. Your eyes get so tired you start tearing (well, I did) and at the end of the whole movie, I felt like my stomach was turning upside down. Actually, halfway through the movie, I actually took my glasses off and watched it with my naked eyes. Well I don't think I'll recommend that if you're watching other 3D movies but you can with The Last Airbender because that's how "good" (read bad) the 3D effect is! Hubby said the best 3D effect in the movie is actually the subtitles and that too was done in/by Malaysia!

Having said that, I do recommend watching the upcoming Narnia is 3D though. The effect is beautiful - caught the trailer before Airbender started. Can't wait to torture my eyes AGAIN!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Very tired and gonna get old...

Apart from the fact that my birthday is just around the corner, I'll be looking much older if you haven't met me since I came back from Kenya or haven't seen me for the past 3 weeks. Significantly older, all thanks to the daily travel into Singapore from JB and back.

It's my 2nd week of traveling now and I can really feel it taking a toll on my body. I believe I'm really stressed because of the jams and the lack of sleep. Not helping, I have been traveling at an ungodly hour this week and will most likely continue to do so till I find the optimum hour. I left for work at 4.50am yesterday and I left 15 minutes later today - still made good time. I'm going to try leaving at 5.30am instead tomorrow and see if I can still make good time. No ERP, no jam man! How nice right? But I cannot keep my eyes open today already and it's only the 2nd day, not to mention it's only 8.56am! Have to give me some credit though coz I have been sitting at my desk since 6.30am. T....I....R....E....D......and it's not even 9am yet!!! 

How to leave early today leh? Actually right nothing what - that was what I submitted for mah...flexi working hour, 8am to 4.30pm so why should I be worried to be seen leaving work at 4.30pm leh?? Siao.....may leave earlier than that today though coz super tired lah....my Nelanz not even done.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Advance Birthday Singapore!!

Errr...yeah I don't really care but then I owe it to Singapore to get a day off on Monday right? Anywhere I go, I'll wish that country I'm in Happy Birthday - confirm holiday one.....

How will I spend this long weekend (long overdue too!!!)?? Hmm...will be going back to BP tomorrow (I hope the traffic's alright) then will return to JB on Sunday (most likely night) then spend Monday recuperating and biting my fingers wondering what will hit me on the roads on Tuesday, to work!!! *shakes shakes* Am shaking already right now thinking about Tuesday. Confirm scary. I wonder if I should wake up at 5am? Hmmm......Good and bad - let's see what time I sleep on Monday night tee hee hee

I MUST get some work on Nelanz done this weekend. If I don't start this weekend, I'll never ever start again, ever!

Ahh.....3 more hours and then my weekend starts! Actually, I'm also getting pretty worried how the traffic will be today. I'm pretty sure the rush will start TODAY and most people will be 1/2 day leave already. EEEEKKKK!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

For once....

For once the Malaysian government actually give a hoot about us, the poor citizens who have to buy Singaporean registered car. The government passed a mandate that will not allow Singaporean registered cars to fill their tanks with government subsidized petrol. Instead they have to fill it up with non-subsidized petrol like the V-Power, for example.

We, Malaysians, who HAVE to (YES, there are people like us who doesn't have any choice) drive Singapore registered vehicles end up suffering. Although Malaysians, but we are penalized all the same.  But thank goodness, yesterday the government acknowledge that issue and now, all Malaysian nationales who drives foreign registered vehicles will still be allowed to pump subsidized petrol! Wheeee!!! MUACKS MUACKS! Love ya! Hahahaha.....

Anyway, yeah, I pumped a day of expensive petrol and now I'm back to pumping Ron95!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In case you don't know what CIQ is, it's the Bangunan Sultan Ismail in Johor Bahru - in short, the customs & immigration of Malaysia before you go into Singapore by road. And yes boy do I HATE IT!

I never liked it the first time I set my eyes upon it and much less when I started using it for my trips home when I was overseas. To me, that is the MOST STUPID piece of architecture. It is not user friendly in anyway at all! It's just a pure piece of rubbish! But ever since I started traveling between JB and Singapore, I am convinced that not only that piece of rubbish is (fill with the worst word you can describe a building & the person who designed, approved and built that place), I am also super convinced that Malaysia's side of the Causeway is the worst ever! Malaysian government, knock knock, anybody home? WAKE THE HELL UP! Open up your eyes!!! What a shame!!!!!

Every morning, every single morning (Monday mornings is another story altogether) - the jam is unbelievable. The causeway is clear - only AFTER you have passed the Malaysian half. A very quick and nice journey which will not take more than 1 hour 10-15min (taking the heavy traffic in Singapore into consideration already) from JB house to Singapore office will take me no less than 2 hours! The jam at the customs is horrible and it's all because of ONE (YES ONE!) bottle neck at the Malaysian half of the Causeway - for God's sakes, you built the bloody structure, all of it, with tax payer's money so why oh why can't we have 2 lanes all the way! It's because of 2 lanes merging into 1 lane that's causing the jam! Once we get out of that bottle neck, the rest of the drive is plain pleasant, a breathe of fresh air. Another vote to Singapore! Shame on you Malaysia!

Monday mornings are another story altogether. I leave house at 5.45am and I actually get to office only at 8.45am - leaving house 45 minutes earlier and getting to work 30-45minutes later than usual. People who thought about this and designed this idiotic structure - I beg you to travel on it in the mornings, during the rush hour. Please experience this for yourself. Don't travel on it during non-peak and tell us that it's fine. That's unfair and that's not the real picture. Be real.

One last thing before I forget, please build a special lane for our dear motorcyclist. What they are doing now, riding amongst the cars in a already very narrow 2 lane causeway (Malaysian half of course) is extremely dangerous. It won't cost you too much to protect your citizens - it's OUR money anyway so why you bother?


Monday, August 2, 2010

AI Sinking without Simon?

What the hell is going on with American Idol? Over the weekend, I read Keira Dioguardi has been fired by the bosses of AI then I read Jessica Simpson has been approached to come on a resident judge (!?)

Keira fired - no reason given in that report I read but it was confirmed this morning by a local radio station. The same radio station mentioned that Ellen will not be back for a 2nd season as well (not surprising - in fact getting her in the first place was) So we have Steve Tyler, Randy Jackson and J Lo confirmed as the upcoming judges of AI. Hmmm....what do you think of the line-up?

Then there's the talk of Jessica super bimbo Simpson approached?? Gosh...what are the producers thinking? Why her??? She's like brainless! She's like brainless! She's like super duper brainless! She can't sing, she can't talk properly - she's only getting by with her boobs and curves! She hasn't even got the looks nor fashion sense!! Ish!

AI is on the downward spiral as many have predicted after Simon Cowell announced his departure - I'm damn sure it will go down down down. Not a long wait before the new season starts - let's just wait and see!