Sunday, August 30, 2009

SURPRISE! - My birthday present

I'm now sitting on our lodge's balcony, watching the sunset while
hubby's sleeping. My birthday present this year is a weekend getaway
to Sarova Lion Lodge in Nakuru. It isn't my birthday till Monday but I
received it this morning.

Both of us didn't get much sleep, only 2 hours at most before we had
to leave Nairobi. This place is about 3 hours drive but we slept only
at about 12 noon. Huh? Cause we played mahjong all night at John's. We
left at about 10am this morning :s I know right?

Another surprise hubby gave me is that he'll be on leave on Monday
just to spend my birthday with me! Awww so sweet eh? I know! So
touched *sob sob*

I'll write more when I return to Nairobi and post pics too. Oh did I
mention the lodge is right inside the National Park too? Game drive

Gotta get ready for a traditional dance show before dinner! But first
gotta wake hubby - poor him (and me! I drove, he slept!) tata!


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