Thursday, August 6, 2009

Power Rationing? In the 21st Century?

Oh yah, everything goes when you're in Africa (except South Africa). The Kenyan government has just announced that a nationwide power rationing exercise will start from today onwards till at least the end of the year, unless rain starts falling in September through to December (their short rain season). The recent drought is apparently the cause of this - power rationing (Kenya harness their electricity through hydro), food shortage (rather maize and wheat) and water rationing, all happening at once. From the way I see it though, it's plain greed and stupidity that has caused all these problems.

First of all, which government relies only on 1 source of power generation? Moreover, according to reports, the Ministry of Energy was already told of possibility of power shortage in January when they requested for permission to bring in huge turbins! Secondly, who gives the permission to clear all the water basin, water catchment areas around the country - the government of course. According to newspaper reports, most of these areas (forests) were cleared to settle the citizens which was uprooted during the riot in Dec07-Jan08. So who can they blame but themselves? The government is way to corrupt to notice anything but their bank accounts and their stomach.

Just an example of how corrupt and selfish they are. Recently, the parliament wanted to sign in a rule which will require all MPs to start paying their taxes like all orginary citizens and also the President wanted all MPs to give up their luxury cars as a measure to cut unecessary costs. Nope, none of them are paying taxes at the moment - great place to be huh? Anyway, all MPs went crazy with both rulings which I think was never passed coz nobody agreed to it. All of them went against it - there was so much drama for weeks! MPs said if they are required to pay taxes of, for example 20%, then their salary must be increased by the same percentage. I mean how stupid and how - I'm loss for words - FUCKED UP is that??? It's then back to square one - might as well not pay! As for the cars, they refused to give up their car. One of them even said he'll rather cycle to work if he has to give up his luxury car for a smaller sedan. I mean OK go cycle then! I'd rather take a car anytime! It's so easy to see what they are in the government for - for the people or for themselves? The nation is so poor and yet they who are suppose to represent the people, well, maybe in their world people means them and their families.

So yeah, Kenya Power Lighting Company will have a schedule drawn up to notify the public which area will be affect when. I'm not sure how reliable that is - left to be seen. I'm just worried about my exams now. I'll be taking or I plan to take my exams next week. If the schedule is unreliable then I'm dead.....suppose it goes off when I'm in the middle of it?? Take during the night? Nah, I only have that many hours during the night.....I will not be able to sit through the 4 hours. I mean if I start after dinner, 8pm, I'll completed the exam only at midnight!!! Anyway, have written to the college to find out what will happen if the power goes off while I'm in the middle of it. And guess what - my course coordinator is on maternity! GRRREEEAAAATTTT! What a timing huh?

Our electronics seems as if they are taking turns to give up on us one by one. 2 weeks ago was our TV - it just went bust all of a sudden! Sunday was OK but when hubby woke up on Monday, the TV just went black....nothing came on. We got a new TV 2 days ago - a 2nd hand 29 inch China made from John. It's really China made - a brand which nobody knows unless you're from China. Anyway, it's not a lot of money so we'll just use it for now. We can sell it before we leave anyway. Then yesterday, I found out that our Olympus mju 700 digital camera has gone bonkers!!! It keeps having this whirling sound when is switched on, the lens just keeps adjusting itself by going in and out. The picture - unable to focus - is blury all the time and after awhile, it stops with the screen showing D: 5e08 5e02. Googled and apparently a lot of people have the same problem only nobody could answer my questions: Can it be fixed? What happened? People in the forum have their own way of repairing it but none of it worked for me. I guess will just have to take it back to Malaysia and hopefully won't take too much to fix it. Luckily I still have my old old Olympus so will be using that for now......

Oh oh Liz has delivered! It's a boy!! Wow can't believe Marcus is a daddy and U.Hua is a grandpa! First great-grandson of the Lee family. The name's Owen Hudson Lee. He looks exactly like an ang moh!!!

Anyway, today's menu: fish in soy sauce, radish soup and pok choy in oyster sauce.


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