Sunday, August 9, 2009

So many things happened since the last entry and it's just 3 days ago! Wow! I'm gonna just summarize everything because I doubt I'll remember everything if I am to put them into separate entries and I don't know when I'm gonna have power/when Internet's fast enough to allow me to put another entry in here.

So, let's start from Friday. I woke up to yet ANOTHER power cut and I do remember that the power rationing schedule published on KPLC's website doesn't include my area for any power cut till at least next week! Still feeling really blur (mind you, I'm still in bed) I called KPLC to find out if that was the routine power cut they warned us about or was it really a failure. Here's the most important part of our conversation:

Me: Your schedule doesn't indicate that I'm supposed to be experiencing any power rationing today. Can you please check and let me know when will the power be back? KPLC: I'm sorry ma'm but the power interruption notices on the website (ie: schedule) is not accurate. When was your last power cut? Me: Wednesday. KPLC: Yes, then you will not have power today but you'll have it tomorrow. Me: HUH?? If that is not accurate then what is? KPLC: Ma'm rule of thumb is power rationing will affect your area every other day. So you'll have power one day and no power the next. Or you can give us a call to find out if you'll be having any power interruption that day.

This conversation got me thinking why the hell did they even bother to publish the schedule on their website if it's not accurate? Even her so-called rule of thumb can be thrown out the window. When I woke up Saturday, we had power so I'm convinced that power rationing pattern will be just like what she said BUT the power went off at midnight for 4 hours and then we had power today! And the power went off again at 2-ish pm for 1 hour and it's back! I hope it's back for good. I suffered 13 hours on Friday when the power went off at 0830 and came back only 15 minutes to 9pm. Poor me - no books to read, nothing to study, no Internet, no TV and no water!!! Our water is pumped up from the ground floor so once the power goes off, so does the pump which means I can't even do any housework!

Anyway the one day when the power was normal and Internet was working damn well, I wasn't home to enjoy it. I was out with hubby on a road-trip outside Nairobi in search of fresh trout for lunch. But as usual, hubby took his own sweet time getting ready and by the time we left the house, it was already 2pm. It's a 2 hour drive to the restaurant and they close for business at 4pm! Massive traffic jam along the way didn't help things. We were not even close at 5.30pm! I decided to turn back because it's not exactly the smartest thing to do to be traveling on those roads after sunset. We stopped at a hotel just before entering Nairobi for dinner instead - food was HORRIBLE but the company was great.

The jam was just as bad on the drive back - and we ended up driving for a full 7 hours to a place which is about 120KM outside Nairobi and back, and we didn't even get there. And the best thing out of all of the trip? I was the one driving for the full 7 hours and hubby was the one complaining of back-aches, feeling tired and needing a massage when we got home.

My sister sent me the game Snood via MSN on Thursday (I think) and I've been addicted to the stupid game ever since! I mean it's a game we've been playing since.....since.....I can't even remember when I started playing that game but was years ago and it's always been addictive. But she sent it to me just as when I was about to take my exams! I stopped studying - honest! I didn't touch any of my study material - I kept telling myself, one last game, one last game but that last game never came until I start seeing double visions which is 1am. It was so difficult to tear myself away from the computer just to shower, cook, eat, whatever. So yeah, no studying at all and I went in to the "exam hall" today with Snood written all over my mind. But thank God, I passed. Didn't do as well as the previous subject but still got a whooping 88%! Not bad eh? So THANKS SISTER for the timing! Anyway, 2 down and 4 more to go!!! Woo hoo!!!

And to continue with the "THIS CAN ONLY HAPPEN IN AFRICA" stories, I was driving to Village Market today to do my marketing. A matatu (van used as taxi) stopped suddenly in front of me. This happens ALL the time! They are very aggressive, they stop and come out anytime and anywhere as they like. They have no regard for other road users and they drive like mad cows just so that they can beat other matatus to more passengers. Anyway, so I was that close to start cursing and pressing down my horn when I noticed the reason why this particular one stopped. It wasn't to pick up any passengers nor to let anyone get off. It was because the door to the van dropped!!!! The door got detached and dropped on the road!!!! He had to stop for his assistant to fix the door!!! I couldn't get angry at him after that - I couldn't stop laughing either! Hai....I was in the car alone so no photos! Sorry!!!

But I do have this photo to share - baby Owen Hudson Lee - Marcus' newborn son whom I mentioned in my previous post. I'm not posting any food this time - don't think my Internet connection is THAT fast. Owent is just as delicious, don't you think so? He's such a cutie!!!


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