Saturday, August 22, 2009

Poker night!!!

Still having problems sleeping. Made myself stay awake all day
yesterday and after a mini-Karaoke session with hubby till almost 1am,
was still unable to fall asleep until almost 3am! What the hell is
wrong with me?? Is it just plain insomnia or something more???

We're having poker night tonight at a friend's place. Waiting for
hubby to come out of the shower. Supposed to be there 15 minutes ago
but as usual, we'll be late. Dinner's served too - yum... Indonesian
fare. It'll be poker for the rest and Wii for me! Yay!!! I bet it'll
drag till late so I slept in the afternoon. It's so much easier for me
to fall asleep during the day nowadays! I slept from 2pm (I think)
till 5pm! That should make up for any lost sleep.

I'm toying with the idea of giving out pamphlets to every single
apartment unit in my compound, advertising the fact that I'll be going
back to Malaysia and able to bring back clothes from Nelanz for them.
No shipping costs (hey hey! a selling point) but am not sure if I'll
be allowed to do that. Will speak to the guard tomorrow to find out.
It's also a move to promote my dealer's business. If she has more
business, I have more business. Both are happy - why not eh??

Gotta run!!!!


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