Friday, August 28, 2009

Another birthday looming around the corner

This will be my 3rd birthday which is not a public holiday. All my life, except the recent 3 years, my birthday has always been a publich holiday for me and the whole nation (Malaysia). But since I moved out of Malaysia, it's just another day. This year, I think, will be really just another day. Even though I'm usually never at home during my birthday, even when I moved out of Malaysia in 2006, my birthday has never been a quiet and simple event. I spent 2 birthdays in Moscow, last year in Kenya and this year again in Kenya. Birthdays in Moscow were a blast! The whole office will be celebrating it for me. Oh actually, I spent one of my birthdays in the airplane too! :) Last year, hubby bought us a weekend getaway and Malaysian embassy in Kenya "celebrated" for me too. This year, no sign of anything and Malaysian embassy has confirmed that there won't be any function this year.

Oh well, birthday is really just another day on the calendar right???

It's only a week now before I fly back to Malaysia for holidays. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Excited - obviously. Nervous - well long story and don't even get me started. I don't want to start actually - I prefer to just try to forget that episode and move on. Not good harping on it. It'll become a disease.

Actually, I'm suspecting that hubby might have somthing up on his sleeves to celebrate my birthday but we're going over to John's for dinner and mahjong tonight......this leaves me a little sceptical. I'm doubting my 6th sense, gut feeling - whatever. So we'll just have to leave it till tomorrow to know won't we? He's been trying to make my Saturdays and Sundays free - I was supposed to have a meeting on Saturday, he said to change to Friday and last night a client asked if I'm able to meet her on Sunday, he said change it to Monday. Weird huh? I KNOW!!!

I'm feeling so moodless these 2 days. Insomnia ain't getting any better too. My body seems to be mixing up day and night. I sleep like a baby during the day and have no problems falling a sleep at all! But during the night, when I'm supposed to fall asleep properly like a sane human being, am getting nothing of that. 

Gotta run! You know your hubby's a gambling addict when he's home early, MUCH earlier than usual because he needs to get ready for mahjong!


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