Monday, August 24, 2009

Public Holiday tomorrow!! Woot!!

Actually I don't even know why I'm so happy - everyday's a public holiday for me - am not working anyway. Hubby's not working tomorrow though so maybe that's why although I still don't understand why. Hmmm...I mean it's not like he devotes all his time to me when he's not working. He'll be holding on to his PSP all day and night, and I'll still be left alone although it's the company that matters no?

Oh I have not explained the reason for this out-of-the-blue holiday have I now? Well, Kenya is having nationwide census tonight so th president has declared a holiday tomorrow. Have not heard a census conducted at night? You're not alone! None of us have! What??? Census at night? Are you crazy?? Well not if you're in this part of the world. Seems like anything and everything out of the ordinary can and does happen! It's so amazing - am learning new possibilities each day! Good or bad, you be the judge. As it is crime rate is a huge concern especially after nightfall in Kenya so census being conducted in the night is causing even more concern amongst the people and the politicians. So why do it at night??!??? I can't comprehend either. So much security fears are being reported in the papers. So many efforts are being put in place just to make sure everyone's safe tonight. In a nation which is being plagued by starvation, energy and water shortage, a nation which is asking for monetary help from the world, this is definitely not smart. And why the hell on a Monday night?

And because of this one day holiday, we'll be having dinner and mahjong session at our friend's tonight. Sounds like a disaster to the piggy bank and my beauty sleep!!! Oh gosh!!! I'm already crying for help with my recent lack of sleep and another long night? Hmmm...not exactly looking forward to it to be honest, which I have to add, is so NOT me!!! I usually so up for a night/day full with activities - it's just sooooo boring staying home all day. It's hard to imagine especially if you're a working adult. My friends are crying for a break from work but me, I'm begging for a job!!

Yesterday, I realised, whatever money we have left for this month has gone missing mysteriously. When I went out marketing on Saturday, it was still there, I swear! But when I wanted to get some for marketing yesterday, it was gone!! Not a lot but it's significant! I suspected hubby must have taken it because the rubberband I used to tie them was left behind - hmmm...evidence. I asked him last night if he had taken the money - he simply replied Yes. I didn't ask further - didn't know why. I checked his wallet - wasn't there. Checked his working bad - wasn't there. Checked the pockets of his suit - wasn't there. I wonder where he hid them and why. He took EVERYTHING! Not a single note left for moi. I'm really really curious....but I guess I am afraid to know why he took them. I'll ask for sure, after this weekend. :)))) Those who know me might already guess the reason why I'm waiting till the weekend's over :p

Gotta go back to my books now. Making good progress, wish to try and see if I'm able to take my exams before next Saturday! Stupid to rush like this I know but worth the try I guess.


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