Saturday, August 15, 2009

What a busy week!!!

With the power rationing and all the projects I have on my plate pending, it is not hard to guess why this blog has been so quiet! And falling at the beginning of the week doesn't really help matters. If at all, it delayed work being done.

I fell ill on Tuesday, after meeting with another client and after dinner with hubby and friends. It was my UTI again. Anyway, was bedridden for 2 days - high fever and all the works. But the meeting with the client went well although I would say that she's not exactly sure what she wants so I'm still not optimistic if the sale will actually go through. I'm more optimistic with T. I received the orders from J yesterday and then a different sort of mail came in last night saying that now she's not sure if that's all she wants. She might change again. So she'll only FIX the orders when she passes me the payment after 25th Sept. It's 2 weeks from now, anything can happen.

I am almost done with Sim's European Tour itinerary. I have T's website to complete, I have Wendy's website to do although that will be on hold till next Thursday when we meet and then I have MKBC's website to complete as well. On top of everything, I have NELANZ to update too! Hey! I need to focus on ME hello??? Hubby and I have also just discussed on a new project - so I also have that to think about. I have to figure how I'm going to approach it. And of course, my daily routine of emails, news and blogs to read/reply/update. So it's gonna be busy busy busy all the way till 5th September! With the power rationing? That means I'll only get to work alternate days! Damn!!! *sweat*

I'm starting to think MAYBE just MAYBE I might have taken up too much projects.......but actually I have not. It's just that when I took up these projects, I didn't know bloody KPLC gonna implement power rationing!

BTW, Kenya will officially be in a state of emergency from next week due to food, water and energy shortage. It's the perfect recipe for a failed state. So exciting yeah!! many people have the opportunity to live in a country (not city or town, mind you) declared to be in a state of emergency?? OOooo....sounds so war-like!!! Hahaha but I doubt anything will change except for food prices. Sigh...hubby's salary is static but the rest of the stuff doesn't seem to stay that way. Gonna tighten our wallet even more now especially after some uncourtese dudes from Singapore who has no courtesy to call to let us know that they are not buying my house anymore!!! Fck them man - they kept telling us they want the house and they will come to town to get the loan done, asking us not to sell it to another. And then, after a month, mum had to call to know that they've decided not to proceed. So like them.....

OK no pics today - too busy. I have a dinner party to host tomorrow so gotta take some time out today to bake some cupcakes.....WHOA!!! I think the solution's to go to Junction on Mon, Wed and Fri to use free Internet!!!


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