Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What?! ANOTHER blog??!!!???

Errr....yah another blog. Tee hee hee - I just set up my 5th blog but this time it's a travel blog. What happened was hubby's friend is planning a European trip next year and have no idea where to go and how to go about planning his trip. The only thing he knows is his budget is GBP1,500. Anyway, I told hubby to let me help them plan. I'll come up with an example and they can choose to follow it if they want or alter it. This then gave hubby an idea - he knows I enjoy planning trips etc because traveling's my passion. I've been planning trips sinve Moscow! Anyway he came up with the idea of starting a blog where I publish itineraries which I have planned so far or places which I have visited and help people who needs assistance to personalised their trips. In short, I'm a travel planner (hmmm...I thought I was studying to become a financial planner? What happened in between???)

My target audience are people who wants to travel on their own - backpack or not - without having to go to a travel agent or to join a tour group. I started the blog yesterday and have since posted 3 entries starting with my "hometown" - Russia. I have deep attachments with Russia and it's also because of Russia that made all my subsequent travels possible. Well, for now, I'll be helping people Free Of Charge. Will I start charging later on? All depends on the traffic.

If you're interested to see the first 3 entries, visit exploringmyplanet.blogspot.com I'm still not sure if I want the layout to be like that. I appreciate comments!!!

Oh my 3rd module has arrived! It arrived yesterday and hubby hid it until this morning! That means I can start studying again! But I'll take it easy coz there's a gap of 3 weeks and I don't want to have cramp in lots but forget them again after the 3 week holiday.

So far, I have finished 2 projects - travel project and T's website. I have J's website, my own (2 websites), W's website and MKBC to do. Aiyaya oh and lots and lots of housework!


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