Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

We're back from Nakuru and back from Nyanyuki. When we came back last night, hubby said why not make a day trip to Nyanyuki for fresh trout? Nyanyuki is right at the equator and about 2.5 hours drive from Nairobi. It was GOOOODDDD. How can you say no to fresh fish? You can even choose your own trout from the pond! But we had to fight off monkeys - they tried to steal our bread basket. What a nerve! They jumped right on our table! Hubby had to fight him off!

Apparently, there's a special dinner too! I'm still waiting for him to say Let's go coz I have absolutely no idea where he's taking me too. Apparently it's a place we have never been. He said it's a nice place but he's not sure how the food tastes. I'll just have to sit and wait for another 30 mins or so I guess.

It's Tuesday already tomorrow - only 4 days to go to our flight home for 3 weeks. Excited and nervous all in one. Man! I'm looking forward to the family gathering and also meeting up with all my dearest friends again. I can't wait to see what my dearest sisters and mum has got me for my birthday and I can't wait for business class on Emirates!!! Hehehe...that's about it. Nothing much to be excited about apart from that.

I'll write again tomorrow with pictures from the lodge and the trout farm.


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