Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm having investment planning overload! I'm getting very lazy but have to keep the momentum going....just a couple of weeks to go. No let's use days - sounds shorter Yeah so, just a couple of days to go before I take my exam and I'm done till at least end of September! I'm not planning to start with Module 3 even if the study materials arrives before I leave for Malaysia. I hope I'll be able to stop myself from bringing some books back with me to read while I'm bored. But then again....hmmm.....maybe I should!!

My highschool mates and I still keep in touch via email. We have a "chain mail" where we include everyone in our "gang" and send out a mass email. We did that today - it's our chatroom - and apparently for a duration of approximately 8 hours (very rough estimate coz I did not exclude lunch time etc) we had almost 300 mails flying about! And during the declining peak, we have 1 email every minute! Insane or what?? But it's damn fun and you'll laugh your ass off if you ever have the chance to take a peek at the content. No boundaries! Our discussion today started with a friend's upcoming housewarming - we're planning the food, guest list, activities before and after the party, time etc But guess what? The housewarming isn't until 19th September! Yup, that's how crazy we are!

I came to know about this fantastic service through another fellow blogger. You know it's soooo common to shop online and then when you're ready to order, you find clauses like "We don't ship internationally at the moment" or you find that shipping rates to Malaysia/Singapore so freaking expensive when in actual fact the shipping costs is only a fraction of what's advertised? Well, this postal service which I found allows you to have 3 "addresses" - one each in USA, UK and Japan. USA for USA shopping, UK for Europe shopping and Japan for Japan shopping. Once you're ready to check-out, update the shipping addresses with the address given to you. I believe this address is their office in these 3 countries. Once it reaches their office, they will forward your items to you by post. Shipping rates are just a fraction from those published by the merchants who ships internationally. If you've ordered from various merchants from the same country, they will consolidate your items and send them to you at once! Isn't this service heavenly?? But I suddenly just can't think of where to shop from

Anyway, I'm gonna leave you here with my version of huat kueh (Fatt Kou). I'm having writer's block.......hahahaa


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