Monday, July 20, 2009

A fine dining restaurant tucked neatly away in Nairobi

I have finally bought hubby his birthday dinner after a week's delay. We went to this fine dining place called Lord Erroll ( and I must say that I'm incredibly impressed with what I saw and experienced. I've never dreamt of ever finding such a little gem in Kenya! Food was just OK (we're giving them the benefit of the doubt) but maybe we just did not order the correct stuff - I mean even the best restaurants in the world have items on the menu which might not taste so good right? Anyway, the ambiance was fantastic! We have no complains at all in that department. You totally will not remember/realise that you're actually in Nairobi!

This is our menu (but I forgot to take pictures of our main course!!!!
Starter: 1/2 dozen Escargots Bourgogne (KSH 1,000)

Main Course: Turkey Escalope Cordon Bleu (KSH 1,550) - mine

Osso Bucco Gremolata (KSH 1,600) - hubby's

Dessert: Mousse au Chocolate Royale (KSH 650) - mine

Irish Coffee (KSH 750) - hubby's

We had complimentary bread basket (the picture shows incomplete basket coz most of it were in our stomach by the time I remembered to take pics of them ) and avocado with dressing plate.

Exchange rate is approximately USD1 to KSH70.

And yesterday, we managed to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Well, let's just put it mildly that I'm not a fan. But if I'm to be crude, this is the worst HP movie EVER! The worst by a mile! As a matter of fact, I'm not a fan of The Order of Phoenix coz I found it boring. I watched it on DVD in the comfort of my bed and wall-mouted LCD Sony flat screen and yet I had to finish the movie in a few sittings. I just couldn't get myself to sit long enough to finish the show! I got fidgety. But the latest instalment is far far worse than any I've seen. I couldn't just walk out because this time I was watching it in the cinema. And it costs KSH550. I just couldn't wait for it to finish! The only thing that kept me interested was Ron's jokes and there are so few of them nowadays!

Honestly, I was really glad (more than glad actually) when the show ended although I was told that this is only Part 1. There's a Part 2. Why why why?? I mean if they hadn't made the show sooooo boring and draggy, they wouldn't need a Part 2 at all right? Such a waste of money and resources. When I first entered the cinema, I was actually pretty surprised that the hall wasn't full (and to think I went there first thing in the morning at 10am to get tickets for 6pm show!
) but after the show, it's no wonder. I definitely will not go back to the cinema for Part 2. I'll still get DVD for it - will not give up watching but let's just say I'm no longer a fan. I'm surprised that there are people who still think this is the best HP movie ever. Is it me?? Coz even hubby thinks HP movies are getting from bad to worse! He thinks the best are the first 3 and after that it's just downhill.

This week's expenditure is terrible! We spent about KSH 15,000 on groceries alone!! That will last us for the next 3-4 weeks, I hope. We term this "power shopping" and we do it once a month. Hubby feels exhilarated when he gets to fill the shopping cart to the brim which is why he only goes grocery shopping with me once a month now as oppose to weekly shopping which I do alone now. One of the goodies I found was fresh cherries!!! I miss them sooo much!!! The last time I had them was in Italy last Feb. I was just telling hubby a couple of days ago that I miss cherries soo much and there they were when I was buying vegetables for the week, right in front of my eyes! Forget about strawberries this week (strawberries are in our weekly diet - try it - strawberries with castor sugar OR chocolate fondue, yum yum ahhh...heaven). Blardy hell, you can't believe how expensive these cherries are! They were so freaking cheap in Russia and Italy but here, for the price of a tub of cherries, I can get 8 tubs of strawberries! And the verdict? These ones sucks!!! It's not sweet, it's not even sour! It's bland! And they are from Greece.....urgh....poor me......So totally not worth it Oh well....anyway.....

Start of a new week....and we're only a week away before we move into August. Time flies.....*sigh* I'm turning a year older very very soon.....the big 3 is getting real close.....oh well, age is just a number.


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