Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela!

Did you know that Nelson Mandela was born today (July 18th) 91 years ago?? So HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR MANDELA! What a truly inspirational guy. I've got all the respect in the world for this man here.

I'm getting more and more confused each day as I advance into my Investment Planning course. Investment planning or becoming an investor is what I envision myself once I'm a fully certified CFP member but so sure. There are so many jargons, terminology, theories etc I mean investment is just investment - why make it so confusing? It may be a long process with all the technical and fundamental analysis but even that isn't confusing. It's simply just making life difficult. So yeah, there's a difference between confusing and trying to make investor's life difficult. And apparently when it comes to investing, it's both. I'm gonna have to pray very hard that I'll pass this subject in 3 weeks? Like my hubby said, sometimes you'll need to be wished all the best before an exam but sometimes you just need someone to wish you good luck because that's what you need to pass the paper! Maybe this time I need him to wish me good luck and not all the best.

I have just read one of the most stupid and brainless comment ever in Malaysian politics made by one of the opposition leader (Mr A). There's a huge debate now in Malaysia over the use of English as the teaching medium for Science and Mathematics. As it is, even by having such a debate is already a big enough joke but Mr A has definitely put Malaysia on the map of jokes. He said the national language Malay should be used to teach those 2 subjects (which government subsequently did approve to revert the teachings of Science and Mathematics to Malay) because English doesn't ensure a progress nation. Just look at Philippines who pride themselves as being a nation with strong command of English but they end up being domestic maids while most Japanese cannot utter a single word of English, they have produced a whole lot of brilliant scientists. While countries like South Korea is so impressed with Malaysia's use of English as teaching medium, Malaysia is reverting to its old ways just because the rural kids doesn't score an A when English is used. It's clear to see what the priorities are for Malaysia as a country when it comes to education: they only want to see more A's, not quality education. And they are wondering why Malaysians are moving out, why Singapore is getting most of our brains. hard to phantom.

It's almost 2pm now and I still have not had any food since I woke up and after a great game of tennis. But tonight's the night I'm going to give my hubby a good birthday treat - the postponed treat from Friday last week. Weird thing is I'm not hungry which is....good or bad??? I think it's good!

Menu of the day is kuih dadar which is the Malay version of pancake with dessicated coconut filling in paml sugar. The pancake itself is supposed to be green in colour - flavouring and colouring from screwpine leaves but since I can't get any in this part of the world, I'm doing without it which is why it's whitish in colour.


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