Friday, July 24, 2009

How insensitive can one get? Men - URGH!

I received an email from one of my closest friend (one of my best friends) today. OK just a little history about us - we have known each other since 11 years-old which means we've been friends for more than half of our lifetimes now (nope, you don't have to know how long we've known each other for) and we sat next to each other in school, in tuition classes and everywhere else we go! So you can imagine, there isn't such thing as over-indulgence So we grew up, went to different colleges then universities and then started working but we're always in touch, maybe not as frequently as we used/liked to, but we were as close as ever during those times when we meet. We could tell each other anything and talking about everything under the sky. We can go on talking forever! We almost did that once - we chatted from night till day before we made ourselves go to bed because we had a wedding to attend and we had to look our best.

Anyway, back to the email I received from her. She recently sprained her ankle and had to stay home - apparently it's really bad. When her other half came back from work on her 1st day of injury, the first thing he told her was he was going out with his colleague for a drink. I have no idea what time that was but I presume it was rather late already because she told me she's feeling really hungry but her ankle hurts so it's difficult for her to walk to the kitchen. I so totally understand what she's saying and how she felt - she felt hurt and pissed. I would too - won't you? When you're hurt or unwell, you just want your other half to be around to pamper you and make you feel loved/wanted. I usually get this from ladies that their men will leave them alone even if they are not feeling well. I get this too often and I must say I totally know how it feels to be in that situation because I have been a victim of that too! How insensitive and selfish can one get? Put yourself in our shoes, how would you feel if your wife/girlfriend left you alone to go out shopping or coffee with her chums? You prolly will love the time alone with your gadgets I bet BUT it's not like that with girls! Why can't you just see and understand that we're different species so our needs & wants are different! Stop putting yourself first for 1 second....pleaseeeeeee.......

I don't know what happened to her after that. I just know that her boyfriend went out anyway although I'm not sure if she voiced out her displeasure or not. She hasn't replied to my email yet, so I'm waiting for more on what happened after that. She stopped the topic at she's feeling very hungry.!!! Honestly! I can go on and on and on about how I feel about men but I'm going to stop here and practice some self-control - ok personal opinon, not trying to start a war here because I/we ain't perfect either right? But hey this is MY blog, I can say whatever I want and however I want it. Heh heh.....If I don't like your comments, I'll just delete 'em!

To those of you who thinks my hubby is a lucky man because of all these food I make, think again! Hahaha....I'm sure he'll tell you otherwise too. I mean I'm an amateur when it comes to cooking yeah so it does taste different from how it looks. He might not think that being my guinea pig is lucky at all! If the food's good then maybe he can still tolerate with me but if the food's no good what incentive is there for him to tolerate me and still thinks he's lucky? Fat chance!

So anyway, wanna see what my hubby has to shove into his stomach everynight? Here's the menu for last night:

Bak Kut Teh - chinese herbal soup when translated literally means pork ribs tea - doesn't look that clear this time but it's really good. My bak kut teh is famous amongst the Malaysians in Nairobi. Always have request to have bak kut teh lunches. Other than herbs and pork ribs, it's got mushrooms, chinese cabbage, lots of garlic and seasonings.

Yau char kwai - chinese fried fritters - this is, I don't know have lost count how many times I've tried but anyway, this is the most successful so far and taste most similar to the yau char kwai I know. It's to dip into the soup. It's simply made of flour.

First dish + side dish: Stir-fry french beans with dried chillies in soy sauce + cut cili padi (bird's eye chilli) in dark soy sauce as a dip for the pork in the soup


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