Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Much better now thank you....

Ahh....Now I'm beginning to blog here too....actually, if you realise, I'm keeping 2 blogs! Hahaha...crazy? Ah call it whatever you want, I don't care coz I'm getting different audiences and also the other site is just too slow (at times) for my liking. This one is more user friendly anyway. I'm just gonna jump straight into the point - I'll either copy from my other blog and post it here or vice versa. So no point running like a headless chicken between both blogs unless you wanna see comments (if there are any) from both blogs.

For readers who doesn't know what I'm talking about - what is the URL of my other blog, don't bother. Just stay put - you're better off this way.

After 3 days of having to lie in bed with high fever, I'm finally feeling healthy again - comparatively. All thanks (or no thanks) to winter and hubby's birthday preparations. Main cause? Dehydration....come on, it's winter and I'm a flipping lazy person. So I hate getting away from what I'm doing every 10 minutes to take the leak. It's such a waste of time, water and toilet paper! I don't feel thirsty anyway and I'm not much of a water person too. Yeah yeah, I have UTI problems so I must have at least 2 litres of liquid a day. But hey, just 3 days and I am down 1.5KG! A great way to lose weight huh??? I just hope I can keep it that way and not start to get greedy again.

It was a long weekend for hubby - he took the day off on Friday since it was his 32nd (o....o....ol...old man!!! ;)) and that was the day I fell ill. But it's ok, I celebrated his birthday at midnight! I surprised him, when he came out of the showers, with a homemade birthday cake, a "You're the World's Greatets Husband" certificate, a birthday card which says a lot and a little gift (literally little/tiny). He told me afterwards (after he has taken his first bite of the cake) that he thought the cake doesn't look nice at all (yeah yeah because I has only a bloody plastic spoon to smooth the frosting that's why) but surprisingly it tastes really good! He loved it so much, he made sure that I did not overpack the cakes for his colleagues! Hmmm...what a compliment. My hubby isn't someone who says nice or not nice to something very easily. He isn't very generous with his praises. If something is nice, then it is really nice or if something is not nice, then it is really not nice. Warning: Applicable only to food, not fashion or anything else.

Anyway, my perfect birthday plan was foiled thanks (or no thanks) to me falling ill the very next day. I had dye 2 red eggs and have bought vermicelli for his breakfast (Chinese tradition to have both food on birthdays - don't ask me for what). Another surprise coz he was complaining that last year was the first time he doesn't have both items on his birthday so I went all out to look for the vermicelli this time and I was lucky enough to have found them in a specialty shop. Red eggs - easy, dye hard-boiled eggs red! And then I planned for a romantic dinner at this fine dining place in a high class area in Nairobi. None of us have been except a Malaysian-Indian and his German wife a long time back - didn't wanna ask him how it was because they were there to try to work their marriage out . I wanted to give it a try and have been saving up for this night for the past 6 months!! Damn..... but effort's not wasted :D coz I'm planning to make this dinner happen anyhow. Just gotta postpone it till coming weekend. No harm done.

I am gonna jump queue and post pictures of the cake and some pictures from the little celebration we had before posting some of the food which I made prior to Thursday. Anyway, carrot cake was made by moi from scratch right? So it's the same....Carrot cake really was made from scratch, including the frostings....not packet mix OK!

Enjoy! Drool!!! Hahahahaha


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